What will you gift yourself for passing L3

[original post removed]

I’ll gift myself with more time with family and friends.

A switch from right to left

Another ST Dupont Lighter Series 2.

Well my wife promised me something :wink:. And ill go out to eat and get a nice rack of lamb.

You should visit Croatia.

I am treating the whole family with the $25 crab lobster burger in this 5 stars hotel restaurant and drink and drink and drink and…

a bottle of Johnnie Blue, at the bare minimum.

i was expecting #HashTag to write that

That’s my alter ego for making jokes. Now, you know…:slight_smile:


Buying myself new wheels and grill for my truck with the bonus I’ll receive.

nothing, I am a retaker… don’t deserve any gifts other than “that’s what you should have done last year” words…

New pair of skis and a season pass. Can finally enjoy winter again…

911 turbo. New

I’m getting Gucci belt!

Pass: whiskey

Fail: whiskey

If you pass, do it right.


The capacity to work on my golf game next spring :slight_smile:

A pickup truck for treasure hunting in the countryside around my vacation home. I will keep it there year round.