What will you gift yourself for passing L3

Bottle of Scotch - Glenlivet :slightly_smiling_face: :innocent:

@Put_Option: Patek Philippe? Vacheron? AP? Breguet? Huge congrats on getting any of those.

As for me, I can’t afford those I’m just gonna enjoy a good steak and a bottle of Macallan

It feels like this is the first notable thing I’ve accomplished in my career and it is hopefully an inflection point away from a dead end job that is so distant from the expectations I had for myself when I graduated.

To celebrate, I’m going to go out and get a nice bottle of cabernet, a chip for my GTI, and a Glock 26.

Lets just say I’ll be heading Overseas without leaving New York

Nice bottle of scotch! Glenfiddich 21 yr perhaps :open_mouth:

A new watch now and an Audi next year (hopefully)