What would you recommend??

Hi, I just received my CFA books and an being lazy reading it, am sitting for the Level 1 exams in Dec, not sure what is the best way to tackle the reading. Someone suggested getting Schweser premium solution… another friend also advised that its not necessary as the CFA books alone is enough. What would you suggest i do??

Really up to you. I tried reading the CFA books and did not enjoy them. So I got Schweser. CFA books are enough though. Most people on this site seem to have a distaste towards the curriculm.

I have Stalla so I’ve been reading both the books at the same time, they follow each other. It depends because the CFAI text goes into a nice introduction and kind of warms you up to the material and the Stalla books goes right into what you need to know. Also the Stalla book teaches you how to do some things but doesn’t show why it’s important or the theory on why you’re doing it (for some problems, not for all). I’m only on the first book so there may be a reason on why it does this (maybe it’s going to focus in on it on another future reading in another book) So basically I read the CFAI book and if I get stuck or I’m not understanding it I go 2 the Stalla book and see how they word it to teach it and vice versa. All and all both are great books, the Stalla book is much smaller then the CFAI book but I am also sitting for the Dec exam so I have the time to sit and understand everything b4 going on. Anyway both books are proving to be very useful when used 2gether. Plus the lectures and the tests are great to reinforce what you learned. Hope this helps.

Thanks guys, I just started the first book of the curriculum yesterday and so far its going ok and aim to finish it by end of this month, whenever i look at the book i get scared and worried even though i have enough time before the exams, am also working fulltime so i only get few hours in the evening and weekend amongst other stuff. I found that there is a pdf format of the ethic & prof on the CFA website so when am less busy at work i read through them which has been useful… The reason why am considering the schweser book is because i get access to question bank and also a tutor incase i get stuck on questions. I was also told that the ethic topic is very important as if you don’t pass it in the exam and did well on others you will fails( says someone that wrote the exam last dec)??? All this informations is overloading me and making me worried more… by the way am taking my exams in the London, anyone around there… as i live about 2hrs away from london so was wondering what to do when i get stuck on calculations???