What's the Call Frankie?

What is an HCB?

Hot Country Babe

Humpy Curvy Boobs

Horsebackriding Commodities Bouncing

H-Model Calculating Broad

Humpy Cumming Babe

Herpy Carrying Bitch

Not with a name like transferpricing. No kid in college would think of an alias like that. I think he’s the real deal, just maybe a bit young and inexperienced in some things.

Personally, if she is describing what sex acts she’s into after a few drinks on the first meeting, she is not a candidate for classy, STD or not.

That doesn’t mean she couldn’t catch my attention; just that she isn’t classy.

Someone tell me what HCB is?

Herpy Carrying Babe is just helping to make the dating market more informationally efficient.

I love getting flamed on this forum.

Ok, I actually did check out some pics of genital herpes, and that s**t is whack!!

Its hard to avoid though if someone is a carrier, and you dont make them do a test everytime before you get to the stage when you arent using condoms anymore. I guess you just gotta hope that you made it this far, and hope taht you carry but dont get the gross sores.

Question also, I guess you can catch it even wtihout insertion? i.e. just rubbing it without a condom on the front of their poonani?

you guys are sick…herpies ain’t that bad…that is some trashy statement.