When can we expect the results for the CFA Exam?

Yes - note the “cfainstitute.org” in the URL

Mark meldrum said he’s not sure between august 6 or 14 as the result day. aren’t providers informed about this?

Aug 14 and 28 are on the official institute website. Why is this even discussed, it is pretty clear when results will be out.

Well, it really all just depends on your individual interpretation of August 14th.

Technically for me results will be Aug 15 :stuck_out_tongue:

others, it will be Elul 3 in the year 5775 on the Hebrew calendar lol

in Twin Peaks it could be 8/14, 8:14, 18/4, or even 81/4. Really never know…

that, and starting this year the June exams are a few weeks later to accommodate Ramadan

Week 6 has now ended…meaning MPS has already been set. hope it favors us. GL

please someone end the agony of not knowing asap