Where are you now (= your progress)?

I probably won’t start studying until I’ve found out my L1 results and then registered for L2 (assuming a pass). Got a bit of holiday booked as well shortly before the exam to get more time in.

halfway through FRA. Did Quant, econ, FI, AI already taking notes. Hope i’ll get down FRA and CF by the end of the month.

i feel like i remember you from the L 1 forum for Dec. you’ve gotten through all that already?!? very impressive!

Started mid-December. Going in order because Schweser seems to flow better in order. Finished quant, econ, FRA and two readings away from wrapping up on corporate finance. Hoping to get everything else done by end of February, not sure if I can. Really want to go through everything again.

okay …

now i am done with Ethics, FRA and Alternative Investment… plan to do corporate finance now … on the study planner on the CFA website it says about 29% course complete.

Yep, it’s a struggle though. I do not retain a lot through my readings and taking notes. Fortunately, i’m finding level 2 easier than level 1 at the moment because of my background. As soon as something is understood and makes sense to me, i move on, so it goes quite fast. I want to see the big picture and have summarized everything by the end of next month. After that, the real work will begin (ie. Memorizing + Getting through every single question at my disposal).

Went through ethics briefly, and pretty confident on ethics, almost done with FRA, was taking note along.

Dont think i will spend much time on Quant and Econs as i am really strong with Econometrics and Economics, but will still dedicate some time to it. All in all, Ethics and FRA has been interesting, but a little volumenous. should be done with all subject by March Ending, and a review thereafter and them Mock from Mid May till June 5.

waiting for level 1 results then i’ll start level 2…

Finished Ethics and FRA, moving to Quant and Econs and then Derivatives. Its been going well so far.

I am with u Arun. Hav just started FRA. Infact hav completly forgotten how to use TI B2 plus. However i believe i feel much stronger once FRA is cracked. Next big bitch will be quants.

I am with u Arun. Hav just started FRA. Infact hav completly forgotten how to use TI B2 plus. However i believe i feel much stronger once FRA is cracked. Next big bitch will be quants.

geez. I haven’t even ordered the L2 books yet.

Only equity and derivatives to go, and I’m burning out a little.

I have a question though: Is the QBank more effective than the one at L1? I thought the L1 Qbank was a little too “easy” and i never really used it in the end. How is the L2 Qbank? I’m looking forward to practice those item sets problems.

I just started studying today. My plan is to just go through the material and watching videos. However, I would recommend (based on my experience from L1) not to get hung up on details. By the time you finish all the books, you’ll probably have forgotten most of it. It’s when you take practice exams that it’ll start sticking…

After clearing L1 this Jan , ordered my books and started.

Started my L2 journey with Equity & PM.

Will update this space on March 1st, I am little held up with my final triemester of MBA. Before joining my job I have around 2.5 month empty, hence would like to fill those hours with CFA studies.

Hope to meet you at CFA L3 next year :slight_smile:

Started with Corp Finance today. Hoping to juggle it with a 14 hour workday schedule !

With the exception of Ethics, I am hitting the lowest weighted items first. Through Ethics, Quant, and Econ so far. Starting Alt Inv today. Hopefully saving the most heavily weighted items for last will allow for some of that material to stick.

I relied heavily on the Schweser Q Bank in my first attempt at level 2, but to be honest I do not think that time was well spent. IMO the Q Bank is too easy compared to the actual exam questions. This time around I plan on using the CFAI EOC questions. Does anyone have any experience using the CFA Program Practice Tests?

Geeeeeszzz, Dude you moving very fast, ( that was a quite good contingency plan you had there, i mean having covered a lot of ground b4 yo L1 results— It paid a lot)

What materials are you using and how are you mastering the concepts.

Iam using schweser , planning to finish by early April and jump into review and mocks In Mid May. So far iam done with FRA, ECON Quants, and almost half thru Equity… Planning to hit Fixed Income and derivatives next.

Bt the thing is i feel am not retaining much thru reading, hopefully il recover thru Mocks and practice in April and may…

Good luck

I finished the Schweser readings and questions, and I don’t remember $h!t. Today I’ll start CFAI EOCs as my review before I start practice exams.