Where are you with your studies!!!!

Just browsing the chapters without answering anything.

Just tried finishing Quants, Derivatives… my charts tell me that’s just 14% of the syllabus. Time to hit teh panic button !

Posted by: Darius-I (IP Logged) [hide posts from this user] Date: March 18, 2010 04:07PM Just tried finishing Quants, Derivatives… my charts tell me that’s just 14% of the syllabus. Time to hit teh panic button ! LOL

When I “finish” a chapter what I mean is that I read Schweser, do the end of chapter questions. Then I read the CFA text lightly and cross reference it (most of the the time there’s hardly any difference, but I DO like the case studies). Then I do 1-3 of the EOC questions (if there are any at all). Then the next day I spend 10-15 minutes reviewing the notes. All of these stages must be complete before I mark a chatper “complete”. Does anyone else have similar requirements?

After I mark all the LOS “Mastery” boxes I consider the chapter complete. However, I don’t think that I will ever be “complete” with any chapter - Thre’s always something to go back and learn. I imagine that after I take my first practice test there will be more than a few readings that I will need to review. But as far as a first pass I just read and do however many EOC’s it takes to get an understanding of the material.

I just have Derivatives, PM and Ethics left. I have read and done all the EOC problems for all previous readings.

well, i’ve started derivatives, and have just portfolio management left after that. So far, i’ve done 2300 Q-Bank questions at an aggregate score of exactly 80%. Regardless, I feel f’n miserable, this material is so much harder than L1 to me, its night and day. Anyone else feel like they’ve completely hit a wall? I might plow through it this weekend and give myself a break from studying the following weekend. I can’t wait to just plow through these readings to start spamming practice questions for 2 months. Does schweser ever release more questions for QBank? I felt like they did at one point for L1, but I don’t quite remember…

well, i’ve started derivatives, and have just portfolio management left after that. So far, i’ve done 2300 Q-Bank questions at an aggregate score of exactly 80%. Regardless, I feel f’n miserable, this material is so much harder than L1 to me, its night and day. Anyone else feel like they’ve completely hit a wall? I might plow through it this weekend and give myself a break from studying the following weekend. I can’t wait to just plow through these readings to start spamming practice questions for 2 months. Does schweser ever release more questions for QBank? I felt like they did at one point for L1, but I don’t quite remember… If you need more problems why dont you do the CFA EOC. I think that should be your main focus (coming from a second timer)

Finishing up Corporate Finance tomorrow - then have Equity, FI, Derivatives, PM, AI, and review. Reading CFAI text and doing almost all EOC questions (2 SS I have only done lightly but noted to go back). Trying to do Schweser videos but behind on them. I’ve gotta go hard for the next few weeks - bachelor party 04/15-04/17 in Chicago is going to wreck some of my most valuable brain cells for sure.

Looks like I am the worst of the lot in terms of preparation! Started in Feb but had to attend a family emergency and was away for a month and half :(( I studied L1 just with CFA books but now I am thinking of taking Schweser esp VDOs. Can someone pls advise if VDOs are close to the material and if they cover 70-80% of the material? Started today with FSA and finding it quite tough…I think I can still do it if I just work 9-6pm (no extra hours for the next couple of months). But looks very very hard based on the responses here…How can people be afraid if they have covered more than 60-70% of the material with almost 75 days to go? Lets be positive and give our best! Good luck everyone…

I have managed to read through all of the material once now and took quite extensive notes along the way, so theoretically I am doing ok. But a) I don’t seem to remember any of the stuff that I have read so far, and b) I am really struggling on the motivation front. Spring has finally arrived here, and this makes it all the more difficult to sit down to study. My plan for the next 3-4 weeks is to go thorugh all the EOC questions in the CFA material again, while simultaneously hitting Q-bank and rereading and rereading my notes. In May I will then start the practice exams and the CFA mock and samples…if I have any trace of motivation left in me by then!