Where do you house your IRA?

I’m using Fidelity which charges a ridiculous $11/trade. I’m trying to unwind all of my positions and it’s going to cost me over $100 to do so, not to mention when I get back in I’m going to get hit with more commissions.

Scottrade @ $7/trade. No annual fees.

Scottrade. $7 a trade. How quickly are you looking to unload? An ACAT takes ~2 weeks.

John, you don’t have to. They can do a broker-to-broker transfer…commonly know as ACAT transfer…they may charge you an ACAT fee ($50 or $75). One thing…you have to keep good track of your cost basis, because ACAT doesn’t transfer cost basis between brokers.


I was actually thinking this morning about switching. I’m with Fidelity and not too happy with them.

How are you guys able to choose who you do business with? I have to house my accounts with my firm, which expensive trade is the last thing I will worry about

ws Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How are you guys able to choose who you do > business with? I have to house my accounts with > my firm, which expensive trade is the last thing I > will worry about When I was an access person, I had to get preclearance on all trades and have trade confirms/statements sent to the firm compliance lady (she was a mean old troll!). I have interviewed at firms where they told me upfront that upon hire employees have to house their accounts at a specific brokerage. Per SOPH, only preclearance and copies of confirms and statements are required for access persons. Some firms go above and beyond this requirement.

Smith Barney

^Because you love their research?



Another thing that chafes me about Fidelity is that you can’t combine orders from different accounts. I have an IRA, a Roth IRA, and a brokerage account with them and I have 100 shares of an $8 stock spread across the two IRAs. For me to sell out of that I have to submit 2 different orders at a total commission of $22, or almost 3% of my position.

tradeking… solid platform and easy to use…

I don’t have an IRA but I use TradeKing for another account, $4,95 a trade. The only thing I don’t like is that there is no way to access my account from my blackberry.


Wow way to complain about $11/trade fee. Come to Canada and pay $29/trade with any of the big banks, then complain.

Most is at Bank of America

tvPM Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most is at Bank of America doesn’t BoA offer some kind limited free equity trade if you have 100K with them?

yep. 25k in accounts and you get 30 trades free/mo. The redone interface is pretty decent, although I dont know how awesome some other brokers are.