Hey all, I’ve been struggling to finish morning mocks within the estimated time. I can see a question, figure out the mechanics and then execute and then when I check my clock I’m lagging by 30 seconds to a minute and that adds up into time trouble down the stretch (usually like 6 questions in its very noticeable).
Was wondering given all the superstars on this board if there was a pattern where some questions you’re just picking up time. I’m thinking I could make my answers to individual IPS much shorter --> go for the easier stuff and more obvious reasons instead of the “I’m so smart” type of clever reasons.
There’s a Wiley video on Youtube suggesting nearly one-sentence answers to some am questions. I have been writing a bit more, but rarely even a whole paragraph - almost almost never as much as the answer key. If you’re running out of time, is it because you’re being too verbose?