Where is map1?


I heard from her once during this madness. Never saw her before or after that. http://www.analystforum.com/phorums/read.php?12,946783,946795#msg-946795

I’ve sent her an email without reply. I’m a bit worried about her.

I even checked some posts for a possible name change, but I know the quality of her posts, they are not here…

yes, without her help, this year feels like CRAP!

^ agreed map1 was a whiz

she should have brought along 2 maps instead of 1map

^ that was terrible. just terrible. love it!

maybe map is studying hard i notice a lot of L1 buddies aren’t here - strangedays, getterdone, etc.

im staying away from the forum as the test gets closer. people only post the hard tricky questions here and its easy to get distracted and confused and spend a lot of time on something that will likely not show up. of course this forum also helps and i love it, but i seem to be able to focus more when i am away from it. i also like posting the questions i dont know here.

Map just emailed me. She is doing well and focusing on the material. She said it became redundant explaining the same topic over and over which distracted her from her progress through the material.

:slight_smile: smart girl.