which one is the toughest StudySession/Topic in level 3?

I have high demanding job now.

I am studying from past schweser material.

I just barely started studying but hoping to get traction soon.

Which is the toughest study session or topic? I want to make sure I allocate enough time to it and plan accordingly.


I’m not sure if it’s the _ toughest _ topic, but private wealth managemen t is one on which you want to spend a good deal of time, as it 's quite important.

ok that works perfectly… I finished behavioral finance and now onto PWM.

Any other suggestion on toughest topic? There gotta be one.

Actually, there are two. Make a study plan and stick to it. Have love & respect for CFA exam.

The reason I asked this question is that I feel I spent too much time in Behavioral Finance and I still feel I need to review one more time.

But thanks! PWM is next.

everything is tough in level III there are no layups