Which program after CFA

Hi guys I completed L3 last Summer und now, after a one year break without additional studies, am thinking about doing something in addition to my CFA-Charter. I work in the field of asset management and am focused on FI- as well as EQ-Options (Market Neutral Option Strategies). From the programs available, I guess FRM, CAIA, CQF are the most renown ones, however, do they really make sense after having completed the CFA? I do not plan to work in the field of Risk Management (FRM), am currently not exposed to AI (CAIA) and am also not to much involved in quant stuff (CQF). From that standpoint, is there any program somebody can recommend? One of those mentioned or maybe something totally different? At the moment I feel like maybe go for FRM, but still would be very thankful for any further oppinions. Regards