"Who Said It: Trump or Biden?"


“President Donald Trump and Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden disagree on a lot of things, including who should run the United States and how it should be run. But when it comes to how they talk, they’re more alike than either might care to acknowledge. Born four years apart and raised in blue-collar neighborhoods in Queens and Scranton, Pa., respectively, the two politicians share a few verbal tics, including an outspoken appreciation of beautiful women, large crowds and their own IQs, and a tendency to phrase things a little indelicately. Take this quiz and see if you can tell who said what.”

I got 10/15. It is harder than I thought.

10/15 also. Kind of fun. And a little cringeworthy.

Taking the quiz reminded me of the mock CFA exams where the whole answer would turn red if you answered incorrectly. Yuck.

You got 13 out of 15 correct

You’re smart — very smart. We’re going to have to compare IQ tests, and you’re going to win. You did better than the average reader.

The average reader got around 8% correct.


Thanks for that – kind of funny.

7 OF 15.

10 out of 15, the framing of quotes right next to each other with keywords (beautiful, IQ, etc.) makes it tricky.

yeah pretty sure they mean the average reader got around 8 correct. to get 8% correct would be to get 1/15 on average which would be an incredible statistical anomaly.



Somewhat rigged, only 1/3 are attributed to Trump which create some skew from a psychological bias to divide 50/50 given two choices and an absence of reference. 9