why adapt so many adjust

CFA text 2012, Vol。1。 P90, it says: “The case that will require the most adjustment per asset class is emotional bias at high wealth level”, for my understanding, this should be adapt, thus require 10-15% difference with optimal allocation per asset class, why adapting need so many adjust, it should be adjusted or modulated less。 any idea?

P106,I think observation 3 : concentration is caused by loss aversion, market neutral will not cause concentration(see answer explanation), so why obersvation 3 is not chosen?

P154, Q3, it should choose overconfidence, as indicated in the text, why over-confidence is not correct?

any idea?

Page 90, Vol 2.

you are right. when you are dealing with emotional bias, you will adapt to the client. Because you are not exerting enough control to your client’s emotions, you would allow wider corridor for the existing allocation to stray.

when you are dealing with cognitive biases, they can easily be fixed and your client is easier to persuade. therefore you set a narrower corridor with the asset mix.

Page 106

I am not sure

Page 154 Q3.

The question asks you what bias is “RELEVANT” when constructing the portfolio for Johnson. AKA, what bias should you place as priority to construct the portfolio for Johnson.

Because johnson specifically states that he wants only domestic investments, you must keep this bias in mind.

As for overconfidence bias, it only matters from a investor’s point of view.

Page 90, Vol 2.

you are right. when you are dealing with emotional bias, you will adapt to the client. Because you are not exerting enough control to your client’s emotions, you would allow wider corridor for the existing allocation to stray.

when you are dealing with cognitive biases, they can easily be fixed and your client is easier to persuade. therefore you set a narrower corridor with the asset mix.

ARE the two parts:

  1. Adapting to the client’s bias

  2. Adjusting the Portfolio’s asset allocation.

being confused by both of you?


for page 154 Q3, text mention both domestic investment and Johnson is very confident…

so hard to choose, you mean As for overconfidence bias, it only matters from a investor’s point of view. and johnson is not a investor?

from a portfolio perspective … home bias matters.

it is the kind of bias in the portfolio which was the question … you cannot have a overconfident portfolio.

Not sure what has been asked…

Text says, Cognitive errors can be moderated & emotional biases can be only be adapted.

There are two extreme cases & guideline asset allocation changes:

  1. Client exhibiting a) emotional biases b) high wealth level & low standard of living risk - Adapt
  • his behaviorally modified portfolio will be a stronger asset allocation change. As in, between 10-15 (+ - ) from the proposed asset allocation resulting from traditional MVO. It has the stronger allocation change coz of his high wealth which allows him flexibility.
  1. Client exhibiting a) coginitive errors b) Low wealth level & high standard of living risk - Moderate
  • allocation change is only 0-3% max per asset class.

Apart from it there are two Moderate & Adapt possibilities…Really no grip on the matter :frowning: