Wiley mock 2020 errata

Does anyone know if Wiley has errata for their 2020 mock exams?
I bought it a long time ago (thanks to COVID), but I found questions that I think are not in the curricula, plus some typos.
Honestly, I don’t recommend it…

I do not know whether they’ve published errata, but there are definitely questions in their first exam on topics that are no longer in the Level III curriculum (e.g., Cobb-Douglas).

Welcome to the world of third-party prep providers.


same goes for butterfly spread and box spread in the PM section.

I haven’t seen their PM exams, but you’re correct: they dropped butterflies and box spreads (alas).

when i was preparing for 2019 level 2 exam, i noticed two of Wiley’s 2019 mock were exactly the same as its 2018 version. it wasted me a lot of time and i do not recommend.

exactly… I wish I knew it before ahaha