Will Failed attempts be recorded in CFA charter ?

any thoughts ? i couldn’t find it in their site…


@Cindrella : Is it a guess ? then why do they have withdrawal thing in place ? is it only for early waiver ?

I know for a fact. My brother is a charterholder. He failed level II once and his charter doesn’t say anything about the number of attempts.

and in the reality, who really care about the number of attempts ? CFA = CFA when you have it after your name…charterholders are equals aren’t they ?

@ Cindrella : Thanks for the update… Not in a position to be Optimistic… Still Jittery about the exam…

It will not and doesn’t matter at all. The ONLY benefit you gain from passing it on the first try is that if you want to sound extra arrogant on your resume you are allowed to mention that you passed the exam on your first attempt (since this is the truth and simply a fact). Well, plus you save money from having to register a 2nd time but who cares. Only about 17% (somewhere around here last I heard) of candidates pass all 3 exams in a row on their first attempts.