With Moderate Drinking Under Fire, Alcohol Companies Go on Offensive

Just eat grape, it’s the same benefit without the alcohol…

yes. that is the conclusion. drinking a little is far better than not drinking at all. that fact has been known for decades. the 2-5 drinks/day is the only revelation.

there was a meta-analysis published a couple of years ago that combined 30 odd long running studies together and made this conclusion. easily searchable. this meta-analysis is a big reason why most countries/governments now have maximum safe drinking guidelines of 2-3 drinks per day and 10-15 drinks per week for men.

What constitutes one “drink” in the 2-5 drink guideline? How many drinks is in one glass of wine? I am asking because I am clearly doing something wrong either way.

People not living for the sole purpose of regular binge drinking has been the biggest cultural shock of moving to the USA

Drinking the fermented version is far more enjoyable. And don’t get me started on raisins!!!



Wait, not sure I follow. Are you saying that they dont do this in the US? You said you are in NYC right? Pretty much everyone I know in new york manages through the day and drinks in the evening, then gets slammed all weekend.

One theory is that moderate alcohol consumption can help with immunity. I have observed this to be true. I did not drink (at all!) until 2years ago. I used to get sick with a cold quite frequently. Now, I am a moderate drinker (usually neat scotch). I barely ever get sick these days, and if I do I fight it off quickly. This despite other changes in my lifestyle that you would think would have me getting sick more often (working 60+hours/ week rather than 40… sleeping 6-7 hours rather than 9)

One thing that deserves a few thoughts is it may be that actual drinking of alcohol doesn’t do us any good,however, certain compounds present in red wine or beer, for example, would be beneficial. "Alcohol " itself may have no apparent benefits other than maybe and just maybe a small reduction of stress.

I think with the immunity theory, is the alcohol itself that either kills pathogens in your system or boosts some facet of the immune system. The study the theory was based on used basically pure alcohol. Therefore, hard liquor = better!


People from the UK and Aussieland are good for only 2 things; their accents and positive attitudes toward drinking!

People drink but it’s not a patch on the UK.

The main difference is that drinking isn’t totally ingrained in the culture in the US. there are even some people that don’t drink and those that do end up having a couple, drink them slowly and then call it a night. It’s all very civilised.

Brits love binge drinking and there’s not much of a taboo about appearing totally wasted, within reason.

Well that might be one reason why you’re so incredibly ugly and sweaty looking all the time.

the sweatiness is because it never gets hot in the UK so when we go places that are hot we can’t handle it.

I’d assumed that americans would drink more based on how fat most of you are

Nah, see Greenie’s Oreo topic. That’s the problem. Sugar.

People drink and party as hard in the US but it tends to get dialed down by 27 or so whereas it’s probably more prevalent in the UK. You can still go just as hard at an older age in the US but at that point you have to find the right small click because most people aren’t doing it. I have a group of about 20 of my closest friends who’s primary commonality is that we share a dedicated passion for binge drinking.

The pub culture in the UK is a big factor. Plus it is common to go drinking on a Friday at lunchtime in the UK and then go back to work. This does not happen in the US. Americans also tend to work more hours on average than people elsewhere so there is less time for binge drinking.

Thankfully this is our go to nearly every week in my office.

+1 agreed. I can see the other gringo’s point a lot of people settle down but I think he just doesnt know the right people. Me & my gf and most of our friends drink heavily most of the time, my bosses all do as well. If you surround yourself in a different group your experience may vary significantly