Work Experience Approved: Can I wait to pay my fee's?

Hey Guys,

Does anyone know if I have to pay my fee’s now that my work experience is approved or can I wait till after I get my results back (I feel like I should wait to know that I passed before spending $400)?

nope, i’ve been approved for years and havent paid a cent

I’m going to pay them this year so that I’ll be a full member with nothing holding my charter back except that pass email.


How can I know if my work experience is approved or not? Is it the work experience we fill in the “professional profile” page? Stupid question but i really have no clue how to check.

you have to apply for membership. it is an option on your “myCFA” home page

My work experience was approved earlier this year. Double than what is needed. But I am waiting for the results to be out to pay my dues. It’s almost like $600 man!


Mine was approved last year.

You have to fill separate section in membership application on this. There you have to word work experience carefully. I got mine approved just after L2 results. Waiting for L3 to pay.