Hi there, Membership Application Tips says “Describe how your position adds value to the investment decision-making process.” Is there any definition of “investment decision-making process” ? I don’t remember the curriculum but can I assume this is something like PDCA cycle with respect to investment? Thanks in advance!
Explain how what you do affects the choice of securities going into a client’s portfolio.
Can anyone comment on whether retail brokerage experience would likely to be counted or not. I’ve got a few years in this area, but in my role I don’t manage client assets in any way. I deal with account service issues, and provide assistance on entering trades or understanding how to enter trades properly…
I have the same question to ask actually. Woud an Investment Services Rep position at a Canadian discount brokerage, accumulated over 5 years, indeed serve for attaining the CFA charter?
yes, service rep for a broker qualifies. i know some that have the charter.
appreciate it mate…