Work Experience Question

Does work experience just sit there without review until sponsor letters obtained? Thanks in advance.

I asked CFAI the same question and the answer was yes…its just sits there until your app is complete.

Oh joy …

Call up your local society, and they will be happy to sponsor you. I think CFAI even provide a online sponsoring form that you can email the link to the local charterholder to sponsor you.

So I apply to my local society for memebership and this is what I get : "The chair of our membership committee has reviewed your application. Associate Membership is only open to individuals who do not qualify for Regular or Affiliate Membership with Toronto CFA Society and CFA Institute. According to the records you have provided your work experience may allow you to qualify for Regular Membership. Therefore, unfortunately, your experience does not meet the requirements for Associate Membership. " My experieince is mostly BO with only about 3 months of experience that I would consider relevant , what happens if the CFAI rejects my Work Exp. for membership …?? Also I can only get 1 sponsor - my boss who is a charterholder , I work in a small office so I dont have contact with other charterholders …has anybody else faced a smiliar situation ?