Work experiences

Working in back office. Wondering what I can write as work experience to get the charter.

They say that you have to make investment decision. Who the heck do that without the charter ?

Thank you guys

Don’t know if I can help without more specifics, but the survey that your references need to fill out ask about the nature of your work, so heads up.

I have some 2.5 of IB middle office and 1.5 of front office. So I’m kind of there as well… but part of Middle Office in an IB is to work with the Front in setting up the infrastructure to implement trades and setting up the necessary controls to enable trading. Compliance is also in that bucket, as good look going ahead with a trade if you do not get proper KYC and AML go-aheads.

So it really depends on which ops role you do. If it is support oriented in addition to control oriented then it could count? If its pure settlements and back to back recs then I’m not sure.

Could some other people share their thoughts / experiences on this?

Hi hi! Spent 4 years in back-office (now in trading) but CFA approved both my back-office and trading experience years.

I won’t share my specific write-ups, but basically you wanna word things/focus on how you are providing service that assists in the investment management decision process. So i talked about being the point of contact for trade settlements, reconciling cash balances, developing tools for reporting, providing data to people to assist in their decisions, etc.

I just did bullet points as well FYI - i think people think you need to write an essay but that is not necessarily the case.

“I just did bullet points as well FYI - i think people think you need to write an essay but that is not necessarily the case”

  • Just like the Essay portion of the Level 3 exam, hey pgibs…