Worst PASS matrix

My friend’s 2016:


5 topics <50, 2 topics >70 (Asset Allocation, Monitoring & Rebalancing)


1 topic <50, 5 topics (incl Ethics) 50-70, 3 topics >70

was it pass or fail?

Band 7


i would think 3 out of 6 is 50 to 70

< 50 is exclusive of 50 its not <=50

so 1-2, 3-4, 5-6

i wish. i interpreted it wrong. bottom range is <=50% so it includes 3/6. unfortunately for me this means i did better (got lucky) on last year’s PM than i thought and i can’t count on that much more on PM this year to carry my AM

wrong. look at your past matrices

If 50 to 70 is 4/6, why do we bother to make 40/60/80 if we already know that it is 66.7?

I’m not familiar with the logic behind this scoring estimation system, care to explain?

When people estimate their ‘‘real score’’, they use the 40 / 60 / 80 proxy. 40 if you score under 50, 60 if the matrix say between 50 and 70, … But, in Level 2 and in a part of Level 3, if you have an item set and not two, you know that you have 66.7, and not the proxy. I’m just wondering why people don’t use the real score if they have enough information to estimate it accurately.

In a PM item set only way you can score between 50-70% is by getting 4/6 questions right (i.e 66.66%); if you get 5/6 right, score will be 83.3% and 3/6 will be 50%.

3/6 is considered in the range of 50-70 and not below 50.

The matrix says =<50%

matrix clearly says <=50, 51-70 and >70

The 40/60/80 logic is more suitable for level 1 and 2 as there are more than 1 itemsets per topic. Equity/FRA has 4 item sets in level 2.

40/60/80 logic is also suitable for level 3 AM. Although i doubt that 40, it should be more likely 20-25. Many candidates below 50 in AM are likely to have left it blank or completely got it wrong. High number of zeros in the below 50 in AM

no. see above posts and look at your past matrices

Got it. I wonder if the 300 hours calculator takes this into consideration

there is a debate about how much partial credit is really going on… it’s possible in a 8 point AM question… the graders give out 1 point for an honest attempt ??? point is maybe “zeros” are actually more rare unless you leave it blank

Here are some examples of worst pass matrices from the past 4 years. I compiled these from old results threads on this site. The implication is that the MPS is likely in the 60%-63% range.

To simplify things, <50=C, 50-70=B, and >70=A. To get a composite score, I assigned 35%/60%/90% to the Essay portion and 50%/67%/83% (or 3/6, 4/6 and 5/6) to the Item Set Portion.

2013: 5 A’s, 7 B’s, 7 C’s. Composite score=62.1%

2014: 4 A’s, 9 B’s, 6 C’s. Composite score=61.3%

2015: 5 A’s, 6 B’s, 8 C’s. Composite score=59.0%

2016: 4 A’s, 11 B’s, 4 C’s. Composite score=61.6%

I agree MPS should likely be close to 60% IMO (Hopefully it doesn’t go further and cross 65% mark which will make it extremely difficult for me to get through!) Let’s see. Will come to know in less than 2 months :slight_smile:

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% 1 Portfolio Management - Institutional 20 - * - 2 Fixed Income Investments 22 - - * 3 Equity Investments 19 * - - 4 Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 13 - - * 5 Portfolio Management - Monitor&Rebalance 13 * - - 6 Portfolio Management - Individual 22 * - - 7 Portfolio Management - Individual 17 * - - 8 Portfolio Management - Risk Management 20 - * - 9 Economics 18 * - - 10 Portfolio Management - Indiv/Behavioral 16 - - * opic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 18 - * - - Economics 18 - * - - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 18 - * - - Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 18 * - - - Portfolio Management - Individual 18 - - * - Portfolio Management - Institutional 18 - * - - Portfolio Management - Performance Eval. 18 - * - Portfolio Management - Risk Management

Pass or Fail?

Risk Management was 50% to 70%

Should be a borderline pass. What was the result?