Worth taking Mock?

Original plan was to take a Mock tonight and a Mock tomorrow morning. Still worth it? or is time better spent on reviewing? (Taken Qbank + 2 samples up to now).


Do one at least. . . you will feel more comfortable for the real deal and it will help you gauge the timing of the questions. Try to relax tomorrow night. Don’t overdo it.

I don’t know, apparently it’s too easy. Makes me wonder if I have a chance since I got 69 on both.

That is usually a PASS. You could also just read the rationales for the questions if you are cramped for time. . . a quick way to see how to attack the questions. You will have some extra mental capacity on exam day becasue you will be in the zone. . . so you may capture a few more points. Good Luck.

buy it on gumtree london and do both the mocks