Would you date a monolid?

One of the most important physical trait Asians look for in their dating partner is the number of layer of eyelids, probably a more important trait than height.

It’s either one layer or two layers. People with single layer are called monolids, they are general considered undesirable. This is a non issue for white people because they all have two layers of eyelids or more.

I would never date an Asian monolids unless they have a double eyelid surgery. Eyes is the most important feature on the face, and staring at monolids is just unbearable, especially without the “smoky eye” makeup.

Would you date a monolid?



You know your list is ugly when Chaelin Lee makes on the list.

Monolids have to have lots of make up lol. FrmHeadtoToe looks hot only after her smokey eye make up, and she’s a make up guru.

Buzzfeed is where everyone is beautiful, everyone’s body type is perfect (even if you are morbidly obese) and no one should ever be judged negatively about their appearance, ever. Except if you are a man.

i never even noticed the monolid thing to be honest, had to look it up.

“You’ve got to be carefully taught.”

My gf constantly talks about how happy she is with her double eyelids. I didnt even know they existed, and apparently some asians get surgery to get them. Crazy! Idk i also dont even notice when she gets a haircut so take anything I say as a personal anecdote of an oblivious white male

I thought these painted Koreans just paint them on now and it looks real

A lot of Japanese women have 2 layers of eyelids.


I think most do naturally, but significant portion of Asians are monolids by birth, they become double lids through surgery.

Attractive asian women with monolids, america welcomes you with open arms.