Wow, Malaysian Airlines just can't catch a break


I don’t think the intention was solely to protect them from external threats…

The US showing up “a few years late” is largely due to the fact that no conflicts have really threatened the US directly. Pearl Harbor is the only modern instance and the US reacted pretty quickly to that. While it’s true that Russia had tons more to do with winning WWII than the US, Germany invaded Russia. Imagine if Germany sailed across the Atlantic and tried a landing on US shores. Pretty sure the US would’ve gotten involved damn fast.

You don’t bring in your closer in the 2nd inning.

^ This is true.


Mind you Canada rolled into WWII on day six. I appreciate the American contribution of course, but it is always self-interested (which is 100% OK, just don’t claim the US is doing these things of charity, otherwise they too would have joined the war effort in early days… There was no debate in WW2 which was the appropriate side to be on).

Yep, and becoming the largest economy in the World had no influence on others leaning more toward capitalism. And good thing Canada is there to have America’s back. Now there is a country the World is thankful for, Oh Canada. Without my Canadian great uncle, who was a Canadian Air Force WW2 ace, where would the world be…

So if I feed you, you’re not going to thank me if I do it because it makes me feel good. Does it have to be completely altruistic for the bum to be appreciative?

Nothing is ever truly altruistic, but is there any unselfish good in the fact that the US doesn’t control even more land? No empire has ever been so restrained in their conquering…

Much of the developed world is post-American style capitalism, something the US hasn’t realised quite yet, though its starting to. I do agree that today the US provides some inspiration for the developing world. And to many Europeans, they are quite thankful for the Canadian contributions to both World Wars, something we went into in defence of liberty (in the case of WWII) rather than pure self interest. Canada suffered proportionally much higher casualties in both conflicts. Again, I have no issue with the US acting in self interest only, its a far more rational approach. But US foreign policy is not a charitable endeavour.

Canada was not a fully sovereign country until the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Prior to that it was a dominion of the British (meaning the British King have the power to declare war for Canada). The only reason they waited 6 days after the British declared war was to show how independent they had become. Had Canada not declared war quickly they would have forever marred their relationship with Britain. So, self-interest.

Pretty different from the US, which obviously has a mixed history with Europe.

The World is starting to realize that Canada is the true beacon of liberty. Starting to see the light.

In 50 years, most Canadians will wish the world had remained in the dark.

Maybe those central american kids will just keep on rolling right into Canada. Definitely some strife starting over immigration up north.

^ Canada already has a higher percentage of foreign born residents than the US so not sure what you’re getting at.

I’ve never been to Asia, but last time I was back in Canada it felt like what I imagine Asia to be like demographically.

Documented or undocumented? Legal or illegal?

Oh, just those that want to immigrate illegally will try to go where it is friendly. My understanding is that Canada is becoming even more friendly than the US. Not a call-out at all.

I work for one of the recently sanctioned entities and this gives me the most right to comment.

If you want to play, Russians are the last ones you chose to play with. We are used to sufferring, struggle and fight. Life has always been hard for Russians and our mindset has always been ‘all or nothing’.

And I don’t give toom much shit about American sanctions (what can I do), though it will affect my job and the general economy as well. And most of us here in Russia feel the same. Stupid? yes. Irrational? yes. Russian? yes. This is our way in this one hell of a crazy world run by Americans. However, the world is changing and it’s changing fast. Nothing lasts forever.

I’m not saying that we are superior. On the contrary, we are far from that being frought with corruption and lack of discipline, as well as alcoholism and poverty. You delve deeper into history and you see a myriad of examples of Russian stupidity and irrationalism.

Fighting Russians with sanctions is a very stupid thing to do. The only fight we understand is the muscle fight, ie real military fight. Putin will hardly react to sanctions (only smile?). He’s a true dictator for whom those are manifestation of his success rather than failure. Putin is also a former KGB and plays these games better than anybody else, having pre-calculated for multiple moves well ahead.

I do not exclude that he’s gone insane and will stop at nothing. But one thing he is doing right is the fight for not allowing American forces finally being localted at the adjacent territory. You have to understand him as well. He has not much to chose from. Yield Ukraine to the Americans and we’ll have the pointy American missiles looking towards the Sun peacefully rising somewhere east of Ukraine.

Sad to say, Ukraine has nothing to do with the crisis. It’s just a tool/pawn in a much bigger geopolitical standoff. I feel truly sorry that the underlying fight has only third party victims.

^ Unfortunately chump, your Russian pals shooting down a civilian jet just might get you western forces on your doorstep. Its not about yielding Ukraine to the Americans. Its about allowing self determination for Ukrainians.


I was wondering if you’d turn up, good to see you again. It is true the Americans are a gang of utter fucks when it comes to foreign policy but as you correctly pointed out the times are changing at lightening speed.

I’d like to know how it really matters even if American missiles are stationed in Ukraine? It’s just meaningless posturing after all, they’re not going to be capable of doing anything given Russia has nuclear triad capabilities and open fire will quickly draw in the Chinese among other countries who are nuclear triad capable themselves.

Why do you say that poverty is something Russia struggles with? I know it is a problem but when Russia’s per capita income is roughly equal to various middle income countries why is it something that is so prevalent?

The sanctions are stupid and serve no purpose, everyone knows that. What do russians in general think of Putin? Do you support him or despise him? Do you not dislike the fact that he’s so insecure he can’t even take constructive criticism? Also in a world that’s becoming increasingly interconnected don’t you think Putins police of keeping Russia isolationist is harming Russia?

Sorry for the incoherence, I just typed a bunch of questions really fast.


^It appears you are the chump, believing a single word you have just written.

First statement is idiotic per se.

Second one is naive.
