What the? This is hilarious. Basically, it’s a Chinese CFA forum, and they appear to have ripped some of the threads from AF. They even created fake users that are supposed to be us. Here are some examples: http://bbs.cfaspace.com/thread-194990-1-1.html http://bbs.cfaspace.com/redirect.php?tid=195012&goto=lastpost I’m actually pretty flattered that they stole my knowledge.
Wait. So turns out that they only changed the names for some of the users. For instance, “infinitybenzo” turned into “inifinitybenzo”. “ohai” turned into “mcmc”.
why am i not surprised http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2024878/hiPhone-5-Fake-Chinese-version-Apples-iPhone-5-sale-months-real-thing.html
Hope the chinese version of Chad treats them better over there.
QQQBEE??? <3 <3 <3
Wow, they even stole my name. wtf?
ohai Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What the? This is hilarious. Basically, it’s a > Chinese CFA forum, and they appear to have ripped > some of the threads from AF. They even created > fake users that are supposed to be us. > > Here are some examples: > http://bbs.cfaspace.com/thread-194990-1-1.html > http://bbs.cfaspace.com/redirect.php?tid=195012&go > to=lastpost > > I’m actually pretty flattered that they stole my > knowledge. How in the world did you come across this?
^^ perhaps he’s an ABC?
haha guys look at my post! They even included the “Edited” line where you can see my real ID !! “” 开通CFA家园,记录CFA Candidates学习、生活的点点滴滴! I’ll get a suspicious look because: I’m now even more valuable and the firm isn’t raising my salary Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 01:13PM by iteracom. “”
I can guess what the guy is doing. He must be stealing our posts to milk advertising money from those Chinese test-prep providers, and has to show that he has an active CFA forum of many users.
Wow, it’s like Another Earth… there’s another me out there! Am I Chinese? Am I a Tea Partier? According to my picture, I’m a Foo Dog: http://bbs.cfaspace.com/thread-194992-1-1.html
And, BTW, bodhisattva, you are really attractive, according to this site.
LOL. This really takes the cake. I feel like I should be surprised… but I’m not really.
this isn’t creepy at all.
Dang, I can’t find my Chinese mini-me, I cry.
It seems actual people are fooled into answering to your alter egos.
im lunarfollies this sucks
I am ayaz_mahmud369. Sounds Arabian to me
lol AF 3.0 is in chinese!!!
This is an ethical violation for sure. Let’s see if the CFAI can actually enforce their rules in a place like China.