Your Luggage Policy

Having babies can never be considered a good value for money prop.

I didn’t mention it in my coverage, but my trip to Omaha and back was pretty crappy. If I hadn’t done only carry-on luggage, I think it probably could have gone worse.

Original departure: NYC to O’Hare, O’hare to Omaha. Planned arrival time: 3:45PM Omaha time.

What actually happened: NYC to Houston. 5 hour delay in Houston. Arrival time actually like 6:30PM.

Original return flight: Omaha to O’Hare, O’Hare to NYC. Planned arrival: 7PM NYC time.

What actually happened: Omaha flight boarded about two hours after planned time. Got to O’Hare to find that my 4PM connection was also delayed, so I wasn’t going to miss it, but it didn’t matter because the backlog of flights was so deep that my wait was another 4 hours or so. Ended up arriving in NYC at about 11:15PM feeling pretty wretched.

TL;DR - The golden age of air travel is safely behind us. Don’t check bags if you can avoid it by packing intelligently.

Wrong, In India baby boys are essentially your 401k, and as for the girls, well that’s why we have ultrasounds and abortions.

Still not a value prop. Even in India, probably much better off just saving a 401k rather than raising a child.

Please share your feelings with a harried mother the next time you are at the airport. I’m sure your beneficiaries will enjoy the payout.

Right, I have no sympathy for mothers always whining about their choice to have a kid as if they’re some saint and billions of women haven’t done the exact same thing before them. Look, I’m in my late 20’s and all I hear about is single girls whining and crying because they’re afraid they won’t get married and if they don’t have children they just won’t feel validated. And in 5 years I’m going to have to listen to all those same women b*tch and moan about their stressful lives with children as if this is some burden that was just arbitrarily placed on them. And the world should all be thankful to them for their sacrifice to bring their unique little snowflake into existance, because what the world desperately needs right now are more suburban American teenagers.

Plus, half of their problems are their own doing. In other countries / in the country where I was raised, it’s okay to let your kid cry in the next room for a little instead of having a dozen baby monitors and calling your sitter every 3 seconds to make sure the kid hasn’t been struck by an asteroid. “Oh it’s so stressful, you have soccer practice and then piano lessons, and the PTA, then blah blah blah” stop pandering to your kids and give them chores instead. Problems solved.

Why wait for your next trip to the airport. I think you should print out this thread and distribute it at the nearest OB/GYN office and then see if you can make it to a pediatrician’s office for distribution before you bleed out.

Yah man, overweight drama queens past their prime are sooooo terrifying. It’s funny, I never knew you were in a spineless relationship before.

I wish there were designated “no babies or fat people flights”. Nothing pisses me off more than to get into a tiny regional jet and have to shoehorn myself into my tiny seat next to a fat person.

I never check a bag if I can help it, not b/c of the money (I can expense it) but it’s the time. I don’t want to wait 15-20 minutes for my bag to come off because for some reason, my bag always comes off very slowly. Sometimes they steal my bag and check it anyway if I’m on one of those small regional jets.

Bottom line, the only underwear bombers that I’m concerned with on airplanes are the little screaming rug rats shitting and puking rmselves into a screaming crying hissy fit. Bringing babies on a plane is a hate crime against mankind.

I was in first class, flirted with the kinda gay looking check in guy and got upgraded from business, flying back from London a few months ago. In walks a lady with three kids screaming at the stewardesses because no one offered to push her baby carriage through the airport.

Her kids screamed the entire flight. The only thing more annoying was that they were all under the age of five and occupying seats that cost 10k or more (first class from Miami to Bombay). Really if you are that rich, stick the kids in Econ with your nanny.

Send the screaming babies to Gitmo. They are terrorists.

I am lucky to have a restaurant and an airplane proof baby. She even got a compliment from a man sitting next to us that she was so sweet and easy. you just have to know how to handle your baby, but most people are too selfish and not considered.

LOL, +1000

Excellent point. Babies/toddlers cry on planes because they are either tired, hungry, bored, or the change in pressure hurts their ears, all of which are easily addressed. A little children’s Benedryl doesn’t hurt either in extreme situations. Slightly older kids whine and cry just because they want to, so nothing short of a good beating will fix them.

I will not take my daughter to a decent restaraunt though, no matter how good she usually is, because I don’t see the point.

I know raising a good child at a young age is possible, I’ve seen people in other countries do it regularly. It’s the American’s with their spoiled children (often reflective of the parents’ lack of backbone) that are often the offenders. Congrats on resisting the trend!

Yeah, wifey and I have never taken our kids to a fancy restaurant. That would be a nightmare for us and everyone else around. They stay at home with a nanny when we go out. We’ll revisit the veto in a couple of years … maybe.