Your role model ?

My role model is the sun. It’s something to strive towards.

I can’t think of a person who is my “role model” in the sense that I am trying to imitate them or achieve what they achieved in the way that they did it.

However, maybe I can create a composite role model. Say: I admire the foresight of person X and the creativity of person Y, and the determination of person Z, and the charisma of person T, etc… I still have to solve for X, Y, Z, and T, though… An interesting project for me.

Unconsciously, I think my dad is a role model for me, but he has some flaws I don’t seek to duplicate (though some of them I do anyway), and the world he grew up in is different than the world I face, so what worked for him doesn’t necessarily work for me. For my dad, what I admire is his intelligence and his personal integrity (as I age, I admire the latter more and more). But I just wish that he was as wise as he was intelligent, and I wish that integrity didn’t come at such a high price.

Hugh Hefner.

Shah Rukh Khan