Your valuable Inputs please

Hi friends,

I have given my level 2 this June and do not have any prior experience in the field. I am presently reading Financial Modeling by Simon Benninga. Should I do a course on Financial Modeling online? If yes, kindly let me know the best source of the training as well please.

Could the folks already working on the research side tell me what other things should I work on please? I am an IT guy with only development experience. Thanks a lot in advance.


I’m doing WallStPrep this summer. Pretty good.

Wallstprep looks really good, thanks for the tip. I think I’ll do their course after the L3 exam, while I’m waiting for results to be published. By the time I get my results, I’ll be in good shape to get a junior analyst position :smiley:

I heard getting an analyst position is about connections and perceptions more than grades, is that true? Certainly seems to be the case here in Singapore. Where do the head hunters even look? Jesus.

CAN ANYONE PLS TELL WHAT IS WALLSTRPREP. How good it is and how it is done?

Thanks a ton MissCleo, Calvol for the tip… Ive ordered Wallstreetprep as well. I watched a sample video and was quite impressed as well.

Ajaiswal, if you visit you get all the information there. You can watch sample videos and confirm you are fine with the lecturer (ie if you need a complete package). As Wayne said he looks happy and I felt happy as well. More than this would be your personal choice!

Cheers mates…