Alternative Facts?

Spicer at it again with the illegal voting crap that has been proven false numerous times. Donny really can’t handle his loss in the pop vote. Why does he care so much? I thought he won?

Trump the Chump: I lost the popular vote?! Impossible! Everyone loves me!

Staffer: We all love you sir, but the tally shows that you lost the popular vote by 3 million…

Trump the Chump: 3 million?! That’s how many illegals voted, obviously. 3 million illegals voted!


Agreed. That staffer should be fired.

I don’t know why people are struggling so hard to understand this.

In a day where Trump just finished green lighting two incredibly controversial pipelines, weakening the EPA and has recently pushed back regulation, withdrew from TPP and begun the ACA repeal process while weakening NAFTA (not judging, just reporting), you go to a leading liberal news site like CNN and 80% of the landing page real estate is about Spicer and Trump’s beliefs on illegal voting. It’s insane that I’m not making this up. Apparently, he realized liberals are children and just began playing them. This gossip rag reporting is what liberals should be outraged about.

Edit: Oh and lets not forget de-funding international NGO’s like Planned Parenthood’s INTL division a day after the march.

While that is probably a true effect, I doubt it is intentional by Trump. I think he actually has an ego issue and reacts emotionally to this sort of thing. It just spuriously helps him politically.

Huh, Erin Andrews had cancer. How about that.

Maybe right, I flip flop on whether he’s A) an evil genius B) a lucky idiot or C) a lucky idiot backed by an evil genius. Either way, the liberal fan base needs to get some thicker skin and step up their grown up game.

Haven’t followed the pipeline chatter for a while. Are these still profitable at current oil prices? Will they even be built with DJT’s go-ahead?

get some big boy pants


D) He’s a magician

lol finally a video other than info wars , TF , it’s refreshing