CFAvsMBA Banned


Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

whats the process for being banned. do you get official warnings and then banned. or the tyrants just pm each other and decide who they ban

Bob Uecker’s quote from Major League seems appropriate here:

“Indians win it! Indians win it! Oh my god, the Indians win it!”

That was a bad ban. CvM imploded over the failure of the mods (and really more so Chad) to control one or two trolls with multiple AF handles. Instead of trying to fix the real problem, the mods decided to get rid of the guy that made the most noise. How…American.

I am not by any means saying Rahul is behind all this troll accounts,however there is a very strong correlation between the two,if you have noticed these trolls do not always post after rahul,theu sometimes post before him and rahul just pops up after 2 month.Now he has changed his avatar,posts srk shit and makes stupid threads about indian kings and queens.Stop this.

Really??? am I the only one who could see that CvM was the troll instigator. They were totally codependant. They just took away a prime source of troll food… I thought you would see that. Some chief troll hunter you are…


It only looks like a bad ban because of all the crap of his we’ve had to delete of his over the last week that members can no longer see. He’s had warnings to reel it in for so long and has been on the chopping block ready to be banned so many times only to be given a reprieve at the last minute. This time he went all out and by all appearences deliberately tried to get himself banned, ignoring all requests to stop. It’s lamentable, but to go and blame the mods for his outbursts is just stupid. If you want to blame us for not having cut him off sooner, so as not to have let his language set precedents here, that criticism makes more sense. I sure hope those of you who blame the mods for this aren’t as superficial when you’re attempting real analysis in your day jobs.

His behavior was pretty much always only marginally acceptable, if even that, and he was trying to push the outside of the envelope of tolerability and went too far in spite of all warnings and requests to stop, and his choice obscene language often mistakenly signalled to newer members that such outbursts are acceptable here. The cognitive dissonance of why we accepted CvM’s language but not similar language from others was ultimately impossible to reconcile.

He very likely survived as long as he did here because he played the role of the black man and some of us were perhaps too lax to discipline him for fear of being percieved as racist. Was CvM really black? I guess we’ll never know. His last avatar was dark skinned, but who knows: maybe that South Asian he put up as his last avatar was the real him… … what irony.

Many of you have been crying like babies about mods not moderating, and we (or at least I) warned you that to increase the moderation level is going to look subjective, and the results are that many of you are not going to like it. Well, it’s time for some chickens to come home and roost. This case was not even all that borderline: it was a case of “why have we tolerated this kind of thing for so long, and how much longer can we afford to do so.” We are now going to be cleaning up things more around here and tougher on language.

If a post is not directly related to finance, then deliberately provocative language will not be tolerated, and if it is directly related to finance, provocative language is unlikely to be necessary. Some posts may be dumb and silly, but posts that are designed to stir the pot and rankle the forum in general will have a low tolerability threshold.

I agree that of the people we have banned in the past CvM was the only one on that list so far that seems to have offered significant positive contributions to this site, and it is a shame to lose the positive aspects of his presence. But when his behavior moved from occasional obscene and racists outbursts driven by anger and/or drink to non-stop incitement, there really was no other decision possible.

I would point out that his highly immature, racist, hateful, defamatory remarks most likely turned away much more “expertise” to AF then he ever provided.

RIP lil cubby

He hated Indians so much and finally got banned in Indian avatar…lol


lol that’s actually a funny point

This troll should be next?

What up n******!!

I’m still here…using my Former Trader handle now.

I for one will be holding a candle light vigil in the feedback forum. There will be fried chicken served, byo40 and pour a little out

A very rare non-working hours post from me…

@bchad - No need to be so defensive. Like I said, this is really more of Chad’s failure than anything you and the other mods did (or have not done). Think about it. How has this site improved in, say, the last three years? Name one functionality that’s been added since AF 2.0 (Calendar and AF Deals don’t count as functional). Why is Chad an absentee landlord? It’d be nice if he popped in from time to time to say hello. The only conclusion I can draw is he doesn’t really care about the community.

Think of any number of small changes that could really improve this forum. How hard is it to add an “ignore user” feature? Do we really still need to debate implementing a voting system? Or, how about Chad just talking to us about why he hasn’t made any changes amid myriad requests to clean up the WC? That’s not on you. That’s admin’s job.

I respect the fact you try to strike a balance between the official rules and what’s appropriate in a more relaxed environment like the WC. It’s not about you moderating more or less. It’s about making this site more functional so you don’t have to worry about that crap. Mods should just concern themselves with things like keeping assholes from doxing AFers and keeping topics in the right forums.

Other than that, the community should be able to direct the ship rather well on its own. We’re just stuck in 2004 Internet technology and I think it’s time Chad paid some attention to his site. Any drama that’s happened over the last several months could have easily been avoided with some very minor modifications.

Frankly, I’m surprised you and the other mods aren’t more pissed off that you’ve been left to run the site.

100% support the mods on this one. Though there should have been several others booted with him.

Now someone is going to have to step up like Robert Downey Jr. previously did, and say, “I’m the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude”.


mnieman is CvM? Anyone else notice all these blank posts from a 4-year old account?

Why was he banned?