How bad is marijuana for 1. the body and 2. society?

In all seriousness, marijuana must get removed from the list of Schedule 1 drugs. It’s one of the most absurd regulations I can think of. I believe - or hope - that it will be removed this year.

To say that weed has absolutely no medicinal uses is just…frustrating. Some people are just assholes.

I disagree. I don’t think this is an issue of all or nothing, because life simply doesn’t work like that.

Practically everything can be harmful if taken excessively, sugar, salt, vitamins, fat, protein or even drinking water! So you can’t say that “well people have died from drinking too much water if water is legal then weed should!”

That is a poor logic to me.

“The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom…You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.”

-William Blake

You still haven’t really made any valid points on why you believe it should be illegal. So far you’re just picking apart a rather weak arguement for legalization. What exactly is your rationale for wanting to keep marijuana illegal?

I believe there are medical benefits and it should be considered as a prescribed drug to patients that i am not arguing.

But there are numerous reports that healthy people suffer from it, as regular/ moderate users, so government should try to control it?

Last time a toked and stroked, I had a hard time “standing at attention”. MIght as well have been trying to jerk off a spaghetti noodle.

Please point me to any of these reports. I would like to read them, really.

Here’s something to chew on in the meantime. Yes, this has to do with medical marijuana, but the point remains…

“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care. [DEA Administrative Law Judge - 1988]”

-Francis Young

Edit: I know someone is going to get hung up on the “supervised” part. If that’s the case you’re not seeing the forest but for the trees (pun!).

Good things cum to those who wait dedicate.

I am not going to pretend i am a MD, perhaps you are, so any reports or articles that i find with warnings about marijuana affecting central nervous system is probalby going to be challenged anyway.

But here’s a good question, would you feed your children marijuana on a regular basis?

Nana, stop playing coy. You alluded to articles and now you can’t be bothered to find them because they might be challenged when the reality is they don’t exist. You don’t want to pretend to be an md but you were quick to reference the risks out weighing the benefits like a self proclaimed expert. Nut up with some evidence of shut up with the empty claims, to put it frankly.

No, I wouldn’t feed it to my children and I wouldn’t hand them beers. But if they were over 18 which is what the law would be, then I’d see no problem with it whatsoever. I’d much rather them learn some moderation and independent thought while enjoying life than go through the motions as a mindless drone. *Ahem*

nani troll on fire

You are an exception. I agree with STL. But keep in mind that pot is legal in some states in India including where I went to college, and was cheap and natural. No special concentrated strains with extra THC. Maybe that’s what’s screwing you up.

Why better sex? MJ enhances your sensory perceptions quite a bit. Watch any fast-moving people - dancers or athletes while high. You would notice things you would have missed. Also why munchies - food just tastes so good!

And compared to nicotine or alcohol, quitting is relatively easy (insert suitable disclaimers.)

Or so I have heard.

you’re talking about the outright banning of weed. then dont smoke weed excessively? facetious = joking btw. why would i want them to ban jolly ranchers (i bought 10 lbs on amazon for 10 bucks) Actually i read about this in some book about why weed was banned in first place. turns out. it was the rockefellers and some dude who wanted people to stop using hemp (weed) for ropes cuz their economic interests were aligned with another form of rope. honestly could be a conspiracy theory though. lol

It’s one thing to say that you are more willing to teach your children moderation and independent, but it’s another when you say there are no medical research on adverse effects of marijuana. It took me 5 minutes to search these articles, they are all writen by MD, so there you go.

In the perfect world, we woudn’t need to ban anything! We can legalize every drug on earth if people can be self-disciplined and use them moderately and not abuse the freedom.

But we don’t live in such world.

The reality is that there are concrete adverse effects for marijuana, and while in SOME cases, it is a perfectly good substitue for other medications, which i am not at all oppose to, but in other cases, there are no (health) benefits that are unique to marijuana.

I have no memory of this thread.

It is not up to you to force people to make healthy choices. You are not everyone’s mother (or nana.) And the government shouldn’t be either.

There are adverse effects to almost every legal drug (as someone noted above); and to everything you can put in your body - sugar, fat, salt, tobacco, alcohol, the list goes on.

Maybe some drugs should be banned or heavily curtailed - not because they hurt the users but because there is a high likelihood that the users can hurt others via violent crimes. Meth? But that is not the case with MJ. I bet alcohol is more harmful than MJ in that department.

EDIT: the default action for the government should be to allow any voluntary activity if 98% people enjoy it, not to ban it because 2% can’t handle it. Then we can talk about seatbelts and stop signs and such necessary “evils” (while alienating the hardcore libertarians.)

You are absolutely right, people SHOULD be making healthy decisions on their own. And I think if your smoking marijuana only affects yourself and no one else, I wouldn’t personally care because it is not my business, or in your words, i am not their mother.

But think about smoking (tabacco), and how costly it is for the whole society? You simply can’t say that with years experience and available information that the non-smokers are not adversely affected by the smokers, can you?

Same thing with marjijuana, if it does damages to one’s body it is the whole society’s responsiblity, not to mention the smell of marijuana is truly disturbing and the harm from second hand smoke…

I do believe you’ve lost this round nana. Legal pot is coming. Cover your nose.

You know, it’s fine, that’s why we have democracy. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions and at least people are more informed through debates. I am okay if most people vote to legalize marijuana in Japan, then i just wish there are better infrastructure in place to prevent substance abuse, or perhaps other regulations to prevent people from smoking in restaurants/ public areas…