3/3 Champions


I went 3/3 and very happy about it but I don’t think it means anything in terms of comparing to others. Life happens in between each exam - people have babies, get fired, parents get sick, work hours get longer - all of these things prevent some people from doing 3/3 but it doesn’t make them lesser in any way. I have two close friends, both of whom had eir moms die while they were in college and it destroyed their GPA and, frustratingly, it haunts them to this day with job and grad school apps. Life happens. Be glad you are done but don’t place too much value on getting done 3/3 except gratitude that you are done. Moreover, spend your newfound spare time to help people here who have the guts to get back in e ring with their gloves on. You and I have NO idea the courage, strength and sheer grit it takes to do that.

Bang on, I did it 3/3 it was my goal because I wanted to live my life. But in those 3 years so much has happened in my life. How about 8 days before this exam, I find out I am getting divorced? Sh#T happens, everyone sitting in that room has there own issues and some are bigger than others. Congrats on passing to everyone and for the ones who didn’t the grind of doing it again only makes it sweeter at the end.

I went 3/3, “18 months” *, majority > 70, using my worse hand, while parasailing, along with my dog. When does it start to sound douchebaggy?

I feel uneasy about this kind of celebration because it seems like gloating in the same place where many people are disappointed right now because of a fail.

Also, most of us are probably just lucky in one way or another. What if all your least favorite subjects were on the test? Would you clear each and every one of the levels for sure? What if you were working 120 hours a week while single parenting 3 kids? I mean, of course we’re all happy for passing, but this thread just feels a little weird. 3/3 'Champions" as opposed to what?

*PS: I’m not sure, but maybe the 18 months statement is an ethical violation. Since there’s no way to register at the date of the Level 1 exam, and no way to declare that you passed L3 until August, 18 months looks akin to misrepresentation. I agree this shouldn’t be important, but CFAI is pretty strict about its little rules.

I did 3/3, its nice but it means nothing. It would not impress me if I was hiring, most of the reasons were already listed by the guys above.

Good job if you done it, if someone failed a Level do not be disappointed, you might be a lot smarter than someone who did not, so many variables.

Using this logic, anyone who passed doesn’t have the right to ‘gloat’ because so many people are disappointed right now.

I would agree with your premise if you saw a bunch of people throwing their “3 for 3” pride all around the place. However, I don’t think a thread devoted to the topic is over-the-top.

Well, I also do feel uneasy on gloating about passing. I didn’t post on any of the pass, results, 3/3 and whatever threads (except for the bit above). But you got a point, and I can see how I may have overreacted on this one.

I’m just going to add:

3/3? good for you.

But it tells me nothing about you. Doesn’t prove you are more capable, more intelligent, or can produce high quality work.

I have seen the smartest, hardest working, and most successful people fail some level. Try pulling 3/3 while working 16 hr days at a stressful job that require frequent traveling and meeting clients.

I know people who work 9-5 back offfice jobs who easily pull off 3/3. So what? It’s not hard when you have 5-7 extra hours every day to study for it.

CFA exams are like any other tests in this way: More studying = more chances of passing. Not rocket science here.

3/3 is impressive and if you are really smart you will keep it to yourself unless directly asked.

I think it is very dangerous to promote 3/3. When I hear three for three I think “back office.” Is that fair? No, but you have to realize a lot of very successful front office guys and executives (where the real money is) got there from a combination of skills which more often than not relied more on their Emotional IQ (or whatever its called) than their ability to pass tests. They are definitely smart, but they are also the type of people that might not pass 3/3.

I know for a fact 2 department heads at the bank I previously worked for took 4 tries total. And knowing their personalities they would immediately think you are cocky if you offered 3/3 before being asked. But they also would not ask.

3/3 is great. I wish I had done it, but you have to know that to people who are not 3/3 they will automatically start making assumptions about you if you offer that information. You will be placed on the “no social skills look-out” which is not good. We all know how framing can affect the outcome…

let people who went 3/3 gloat as they’ve never had to retake an exam. ultimately, it doesn’t matter because a pass is pass and the charter is the charter.

3/3 here.

3/3 ='s “back office” ? that’s absurd. since when is success frowned upon?

I respect anyone who completes the program equally and believe that the persistance of bouncing back from a fail will ultimately build a stronger person, but let’s not go as far as trying to label 3/3 “back office”.

What’s next? the guy who got the IB/S&T/ER job got it because he had an extra hour to prepare for the interview? winners don’t make excuses.