46% pass rate on Level 1

Huongz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Maybe if you weren’t so smart and perhaps > inundated with your 3000+ posts, you’d realize > that the whole point of my original comment is > that at these pass rates its a lot easier to make > it thru the program = not good for the value of > the charter. The whole point of your original comment was to gloat. You sounded like an a$$ no matter how you slice it.

Oh please… I don’t understand why someone isn’t allowed to brag about their CFA scores / pass(t) success here on AF of all places? This isn’t the sandbox in nursery school where we have to be sensitive to the feelings of others who may be inferior to us in some way. I have to admit, my first reaction to this story (featured on Bloomberg TOP today), was similar: “Oh cr@p… they’re diminishing the value of my (soon to be awarded) charter.” At least I’m willing to admit it.

that crossed my mind too, plyon. but it has nothing to do with what you think the high pass rate will do to the value of the charter. but what are the chances that after you get your charter, you come back into the L3 forum where others are awaiting results and pound your chest about how awesome you are or imply that people are less deserving of the charter? not saying it’s not allowed. just not cool, in my opinion. but you’re absolutely right. there is nothing stopping anyone from being an a$$hole.

Not sure what the odds are, but it would be the first place I’d think to do it and the last place I should be criticized for it. If you didn’t pass level III, suck eggs. :wink:

i don’t know man, i’ve been known to get sensitive around this time. so maybe it’s me. :slight_smile: i totally went off on a level 3 guy last year around this time for saying level 2 was easy.

His post diminishes the value of those that passed Level I this year and it really $hits on the people that failed Level I this year. Furthermore, this joker is already a charterholder, this morning he had about 30 posts which indicates that he never contributed to these boards, and he came on here for the sole purpose of proving, to people awaiting results no less, how much harder he had it. That reeks of arrogance. I’ll finally add that my computer is running slow today and whose to say that Huongz infinite wisdom isn’t the cause.

Alright I’ll do the mature thing… sorry for being an ass or for offending anyone. I honestly wish you all good luck on your results. I won’t lie, I had sweaty palms for weeks awaiting the results for L3. Hanging around this forum won’t help you neither.

I think Huongz may just be the Javarama guy! and he’s still stalking you cfasf1!

All fighting guys are invited to have drinks with the Prez

I looked at the Huongz posts to find how he has used his CFA knowledge/credential. I think he has contributed admirably even in his 30 posts.

just to be clear, i in no way was questioning his intelligence.

There’s nothing wrong with coming on here and chest pumping, and there’s nothing wrong with ball busting for it. It’s forum banter. I don’t think any one person should be judged until they’ve been met them in person, and certainly not from an internet forum posting. I’m buddies with all AF posters. That’s not going to stop me from posting a sarcastic comeback when presented with the opportunity. Big Babbu loves you all…even Blehron. I miss that dude.

as always, well put BB… so i’m going to forward that daj kid your personal email. :slight_smile:

cfasf1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i don’t know man, i’ve been known to get sensitive > around this time. so maybe it’s me. :slight_smile: i totally > went off on a level 3 guy last year around this > time for saying level 2 was easy. csk. That was great.


LOL. i’m getting too predictable, mwvt. fine. i’ll admit it. i’m a freaking basketcase around this time of the year. hey huangz, hopefully no hard feelings. i’m sorry for going off, man.

mpnoonan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.youtube.com/user/huongz whoa. now i’m really sorry.

lol!!! can it be?!?!

do i have to remind everyone that the pass rate for all three exams used to be like 90% at one point. one of the exams going from 35% to 46% isn’t going to diminish the charter. what makes me embarrassed for the charter is that people who finished it 10yrs before me have no idea what’s going on in terms of derivatives, alt. investments, and even a lot of valuation theory unless they got a masters degree in the last 10 years. have you read the cirriculum from 1990, b/c i have and its a joke in comparison to what we do now. not only was the material easier and less volumous, the average for all 3 was north of 65%. for a real joke, try and find a copy of the first book. i have the first book second edition (my grandma found it in a library bargain bin) and its hilarious. all they have down is some macroecon stuff and the DDM.

Those people who took the exam a long time ago had their own challenges. I can see how in 20 years people would laughing at our curriculum too.