54% pass rate for LIII

This argument makes no sense. They shouldn’t release results early if they are finished because one year they may not be on time? Many projects are finished early; it’s considered a positive – in America, at least – when parties finish their part of the contract faster than originally stated.

Additionally, I don’t know anybody that would prefer to get their results later. "As for the “don’t expect them to finish on the deadline every year…” comment. Yes, I generally expect a party to finish something when they say they will – that’s Contracting 101, which forms the basis of transactions, which then forms the basis of capitalism.

Are you saying in your second graf that it be worse if the results were at least one month after the exam was released? It is; it’s actually about two months, so I’m not sure of your point on that one broski. Maybe I’m misinterpreting your point?


I am envious of the Charterholders who contribute to the forum without any anxiety of result. Obviously, these guys have earned it and must have passed through the same path earlier. Hope we all contribute as them after 9 August 2016.

The last 30 hours. I’ve been seeing my Pass result in my dream every night for the last 3 days.

I had a dream today - my Result was available on this forum but someone was attempting to murder me, and thus I couldn’t settle down to click on the link to my Results, and had to keep me moving…

Dreams. Murders. Ha Ha . As we are approaching the result day, the posts have started sounding like a mystery novel.

Plot Twist :

New email format for Level 3 Results

“We regret to inform you that you will no longer be registered for any CFA Exam forever. 54% of the bla bla…”


I’ve been having nightmares lately and been tossing in bed! Everyone at work keeps asking me when I get to know. Just can’t wait to get my hands on the results! Ugh! This is terrible.

It feels as though everyone close to me has told everyone not so close to me about me waiting on results. Only problem is this is all broken telephone or these people just don’t give a shit to remember the actual date. I’m getting emails and calls from extended family and friends of friends, bosses friends, etc. asking how I did on the exam. Fucking dreadful.

Must be terrible to have a wide network of people who care about you smiley


Followed by: oh, you’ll do fine, you studied so much.

Given the option, I would take not being asked ever over being asked 100 times. My anxiety is high enough without constant reminder that I may have another year of 80 hour weeks + studying ahead of me.

You’ve misinterpreted all my points.

Ok. A poorly-communicated message reflects upon the writer, not the reader. I’m not a pedant, but I clearly used your written text as the basis of my response.

As you wrote:

“Don’t expect them to finish on the deadline every year.”

“Wouldn’t it be worse if the results were AT LEAST one month after the exam released…”

I did assume “deadline” meant August 9, because that’s what any reasonable person would assume. The same goes for “exam released [sic]”; I assume you meant test day.

I think the correct response is “I miscommunicated all my points.”

Amid all this anxiety, nightmares and dreams… I wonder if they combine AM and PM scores or not? Cuz if they don’t, shit thats scary for me!!

On the top of exam book in AM, i wrote my CFA ID number by pencil, am i screwed?

It would be safer to say that you misunderstood all my points.

In any case, releasing results when they are done would be far too ambiguous. This is not a capitalist project with an ETA and ASAP results. Pushing back the results date farther than what is usually needed to complete them is sensible. Random dates of release is not an option. A specified release date in advance is expected in a worldwide test program. Thus it’s better to finish prematurely (which is almost always the case) and release then, then miss the deadline and be held accountable.

Guys!! I don’t wanna be an owl tonight!! Somebody tell me (if they know) do they combine AM and PM scores?

T-Minus 22.5 hours… good luck everyone.

Not sure if I understand your question. The score taken into account to decide whether you pass/fail is the aggregate of AM and PM.

I’ve been working on the CFA my entire adult life.

2003 - Level 1 - Failed

2008 - Level 1 - Passed

2009 - Level 2 - Failed

2015 - Level 2 - Passed

2016 - Level 3 - ??? Praying…I just want this to be over with.