Adrian Peterson

It’s not easy keeping him on your bench during the bye weeks when you have limited bench space.

All he had to do was chill out, eat some chicken, drink some 40s, play some X Box, and lay low. The monkey couldn’t even do that and openly incriminated himself during a scheduled drug test.

^ i love this guy . no homo

Yup. Time to stick a fork in AD AP. He’s done.

Which means that Emmitt’s record is safe for a looooong time (maybe forever).

Why are there so many retarded sports stars? Seems like those with a half-decent head on their shoulders are so few and far between.

^I don’t think that’s really the case. You just don’t hear about all the ones that don’t act stupid.

Tim Duncan never makes headlines off the court. The only controversial thing he’s ever done (_eve_r) is get kicked out of a game–while he was on the bench.

^ That was funny though.

I finally dropped AP in both my fantasy leagues. The first step is acceptance.

^ I’m 2-4 now and have to make a decision.

Yea. I’m 1-5 and 3-3. I had him in both leagues because I don’t like having to root for too many guys. I maybe should have diversified a bit more, but the Golden Tate in both leagues has been good. I figured for sure fires like AP it would have been fine. :confused:

Suspended for the entire 2014 season. Maybe longer, depending on how his league-mandated counseling and treatment goes.

Goodell defended his decision by saying that that Peterson showed no meaningful remorse, and that a switch in the hands of a guy like Peterson becomes a deadly weapon.

The NFLPA will appeal the decision.

My .02 - I’ve got no problems with any of this. The NFL has a duty to protect its brand, and letting Peterson back onto the field immediately would tarnish its reputation, especially given what’s already happened this year.

Will he ever play football again? What team will he play for?

^No Fun League…

I don’t see this as a white/black issue. Disciplining your child as you see fit comes with some limitations, and using what amounts to a weapon to discipline a 4yo child is beyond those limitations. Simple as that.

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My fantasy team does.