"An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics."

“Why are you bending over??? It’s been only 5 mins, you ready to go again???” And she replied…

… Oh, sorry, I though you were a Duke LAX player, to which I replied …

…“C’mon, there are three of you - let someone else have a turn! And lets go somewhere I can put my beer down.” so we headed across the street and…

…rolled up on Bromion icing some CFA-chick who was complaining about gender inequality in finance. At that point this crew…

… called a Taiwanese bro who it is said has a 14-inch schlong and has ruined every girl’s tw@t he’s been with. The guy suddenly appeared and …

… and got iced by the CFA chick before he could even mutter out a single word or take out his shlong, the CFA chick then said…

“I read about you in some Duke girl’s powerpoint. Aren’t you Canadian? You’re coming with me” and she hailed a cab, threw him in it and sped off into the early hours. The remaining party…

…So QQQBrah and Brahmion both pull out their black cards and head to the scrip club. Mudadahahuududdaa hears about this, and seeing as how he has no boss…

decided to party it up like a BOM. Since he forgave one for being hungover at work. Mudhudda was drifiting in and out of consciousness when he suddently came to, next to Soppiosoipoispois in the champagne room …

who was wearing a dressing gown and smoking a cigar with two tall, blonde scandanavian women…

… Soppoopipipoipi said (in a thick western european accent) welcome to the motherland. This is QQQbEEE lava waiting room. With me, Mudahudda, we must annoint these girls worthy of QQQBEE and cleanse them of their sins for out fair saviour, QQQBEEE. Already bristling with anticipation to being annointing, Mudahudda …

Great thread