Back to Back C as an answer choice

Lot of A’s in the last column, PM section… balanced out C’s in the AM section… AM had more back-to-back’s than PM.

I had back to back C’s in the PM session, second column.


Hey but we can get a roll return on backwardation cheeky

But i will be a bit surprised if it is indeed the same set of question in all countries. Lol

Thank God you guys started commenting on A’s. I remember a section in the afternoon session where it seemed to go A’s & B’s without C’s for almost 8 questions in a row.

Are you guys serious? I just remember in the afternoon having a few As and Cs back to back but no more than 2 or 3.


I had the same thing as In formation. Felt pretty good about it…as good as one can I suppose given you never know. My guess would be 75-85 correct. My straight C responses was the same spot on the PM section. Since I don’t think I completely bombed, perhaps they mix up the AM/PM or other changes? I read somewhere (for example) that they might administer the AM section on the east coast in the US and switch the AM/PM sections for the US West Coast. This would make the ability to share sections impossible if you think through the timing. I am probably just overthinking after seeing this thread. Back to my beer and will worry about it in August.


Wow, ballsy strategy. I mean you can spend ten minutes on any given section and probably do better w/ educated guesses, and tackling easy conceptual questions.

learnt from my mistake in my L1 results. Spent about a good month concentrating on that particular topic, still dint do well in the topic. Decided to use that time mastering the topics that the curruculum emphasized more.

Interesting thought, i wonder what that topic is, will it violates any standards/rules if i ask what it is?

and props on your distribution strategy. Just like the guy above me said, that was a ballsy move. lol

Does discussing “OMG LOL 9 C’s in a row bro” compromise the integrity of the exam? Are we allowed to do this?

I am wondering if spending time thinking about this kind of stuff (answer distribution, remembering how may question you knew for sure, how many you guessed, how many changed the answer to, and how much in advance you finished) impact the actual performance…

Personally, i have no idea what these numbers for me are. And as for reviewing the answers I usually do that while answering questions. I would get to an answer and always double check (with quant). Sometime I would even purposely make a wrong claculation to check for incorrect answers given (identify the ‘traps’).

That’s why I base my perseption of failing/passing only based on the overall experience, not on hard data.