Band 10 and scored >70% Ethics and they Failed me

I didn’t know there was an “adjustment” for ethics Seems pretty retarded to me, considering how ethics is completely pointless material.

i doubt there is an adjustment for ethics. looking at posted results, some of the borderline candidates with good ethics scores (>70) have failed, yet some other candidates have passed. ethics is 10% of the exam so its a big chunk, but you can make up for it and still pass. for level 2 I was <50 on ethics , yet still passed.

Most of the mystery associated with “close” pass or fails are a result of CFAI displaying scores in <=50%, 51%-70%, >70% bands. A passed candidate’s >70%'s could all be close to 100%, whereas a failed candidate’s <=50%'s could all be close to 0%. Although candidate results may appear similar based on the bands, actual scores might differ quite significantly.

Nathan Ronen, my class instructor and also a former grader, said, verbatim, that there is a “nudge” for ethics if you are within a certain grey area between pass fail. How you can NOT know about this at level 3 is beyond me.

Cubemonkey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How you can NOT know about this at level 3 is > beyond me. Count me in the list of people who didn’t know this “obvious” fact. Fuck do I care? I haven’t looked at ethics since Level I and somehow my dumb ass manages to get by…thank God I know this now, so I can shoot for 65% + “good on ethics” as opposed to a straight 67%. Phew.