Biggest LOSER in America?

Personally, I think anyone wanting to serve as president of the United States should be purely interested in public service and have no ongoing business interests that could theoretically pose a conflict. Typically, in recent history, I believe the president’s economic assets have been put in a blind trust. I’m ok with Obama or Romney having a pile of money somewhere, but I think they should make crystal clear to the public that their decisions as president are not based on what is best for their own financial interests. I do not trust that Trump puts the public interest above his own.

If someone doesn’t want to give up their business interests, fine, then don’t run for public office. It’s not clear to me why the CFA code of ethics seems to be more stringent about such conflicts than our government. Note there are ethics offices that oversee some activities by government officials.

are we imposing cfa values now on people? at times like this i ask myself what would the jedi do?

Yes, but the election is over and it’s not required so to Ohai’s point, all of this is largely just noise.

So you want a bunch of (relative) losers in perpetual government jobs with no private interests to run the country? The largest economy in the world? You want people with absolutely no business experience whatsoever to give the businessowners of America directives on how they should operate?

It’s not about the last election. It’s about the next election.

I consider myself a centrist. Much more than any policy, I care about the principles of government, and core among these, in my view, are concepts like truth, justice, equality, fairness, and transparency.

Personally, I feel Trump is causing immense damage to our system of government and American culture in general. You said in another thread that some people - such as you, presumably - like to watch the world burn. I don’t.

I’m a centralist as well and Trump has shown to be one of the best leaders in modern history while having the most blatantly bias coverage of any politician ever. He’s uniting the nation after the disgraceful job Obama did of trying to divide it for political gain.

Haha, fair enough. I don’t think this stuff helps though, if liberals want to have any impact on Trump voters they need to stick to the policies IMO.

Is America nothing more than a collection of businesses? Note we have in office a president who had no prior public service but was touted as having amazing business experience. Yet he doesn’t even understand tariffs.

Personally, in my opinion, I think elected officials should have stringent ethical requirements around their overall financial position. If you disagree, fine. But that’s my view.

a good leader increases our gdp relative to others. whether through diplomacy, war, or through internal policies, i dont care howwwww i want it nowwwwwwwww.

at least in civilization!

I think we’ll hear plenty about policy in the next 1.5 years. Not worried about that.

For me, the next election - I think - will be about leadership, particularly in the vision and articulation of those core values I mentioned above. Foremost among these, to me, are truth and equality. I don’t want a president who lies compulsively while giving winks and nods to racists and white supremacists. You are free to have different criteria.

No winks and nods to white supremacist… fake news. What’s real news is the left supports programs that judge people by the color of their skin in college admissions and others places.

So to recap this really is just people who already voted one way refusing to accept the result and whining to themselves instead of engaging the opposition constructively. I mean, hyperbole aside you just described the last election. Good luck, hope it works out for you!

Loving the pity party down votes lately. Your tears sustain me!

Not sure why you keep pointing back to the last election, which was 2.5 years ago. The next election is what this is about, and that’s 1.5 years away. Everything I’ve said in this thread and elsewhere is relevant to November 2020.

Lol, Quack Swan and HPwhining069…always trying to pwn the “libs,” so pitiful.

Awwww, his fee fees hurt. Grow up.

This isn’t about pwning the “libs”, this is about MAGA and making sure all Americans prosper!

BS still triggered LOL

even the poor low iq ones?

accepting any net worth figure is wholly irresponsible. i mean, enron used to be commonly understood to be worth $80B, but soon after it was worth nothing, and we had enough public information to determine it was worth nothing the whole time but no one cared to look.

i find it funny that any financial analyst would ever believe any figure without some basis for it especially when it is explicitly known that there is a whack load of debt involved which could easily make the equity line negative.