Brag about your bonus thread

That sounds like a fuggin chunk o cash.

Life’s good, hell some people in China after 10yrs of sweaty back-breaking work still haven’t made the money we make on bonus payout day. We just lounge around in our shiny finance shoes and collect the cash. :wink:

Liking the ‘retireby40’.

I sense a new hack saw category - must retire by age 35, in addition to CFA 3/3 and Top 2 MBA.

True BSDs can retire by their mid 30s. That’s the measurement stick.

Retirement at any age is for pussies.

^ This.

If i had 10k in my bank right now, I’d walk…

We get ours in March as well. I’ve always thought it was a weird time.

every other year a few people resign on the day the cash hits their accounts which prompts numerous chattering about how underhand it is to resign just after getting your bonus. I can never understand that mindset, why be a martyr and give the company money that you’ve earned over a year?

Some people have actually resigned or moved team in Q1 before they get their bonus ‘out of respect’ instant hacksaw should be applied to those twats.

10k? you must hate your job

This raises an interesting question. There is a lag between bonus announcement and the time it hits bank account. If you resin in this period, what happens?

I’m young. The dream is to spend a year in perhaps S.America. 10k is suffecient. Enough time to worry about a house and some shit later

True, better statement would be “#abletoretireby40” but that doesn’t really have the same ring to it. All the monies are belong to us or hacksaw.

I hope you’re joking.

I feel poor if I don’t have at least $10k in my checking acct.

Ours is like that (announced early Jan, paid March 1), and you lose it all. Though I carefully recorded the wording of the policy in a file offsite just in case this very thing happens. You need to be employed by the company on the date of the bonus… I figure if I resign but its still within my notice period, then I’m entitled to it.

This may be a very real scenario this year for me so I’ll keep you posted if this goes down.

$10k US goes a long way where he is from, if you’re willing to live like a local. You and I could probably retire tomorrow if you were willing to live in some of these places.

But can company retract bonus?

I do think from time to time to just pack my bags to a low cost of living country and live like a king.

Nope i’d walk now, not retire. If/When i ever have 500k in my bank i’d probably retire all together.

Why would you keep 500k in the bank?


You get the point dude…500k worth of assets