BS - Feedback on this Ultra?

My bringing a bamboo stick and use of it will revolutionize this sport. Just calling it in advance -

other things on the agenda:

  • dry ice

  • smoked salmon - coconut water

  • clif gels (50mg Mocha 100mg Espresso) its a long list definitely definitely peanut butter strawberries I’m going to begin the lifestyle about 1 week in advance to get used to my food options and gear. Will try to live off of gear/rations for 1-2 days and maybe sleep in the woods. It will only be a change of scenery for my training.

Just a little night trip.

Image result for wink wink gif

I like you BS, so I will disclose my revolutionary tactics as the date approaches. If my arrogance in this sport is unwarranted, feel freet to criticize my aid station packing. It will be a fun exercise for the both of us as you might see the pain of my stubbornness if I do not heed your advice. I go through it every day with my boxing coach, haha. So used to getting hit from my stubbornness. I’m adaptable though.

My current nickname by my head coach is “The Hummingbird.” I don’t stop. You stop, you die.

Remember the terms! 10:07!

Haha ok deal - I like this

I’m racing with a friend and don’t know times/paces, but if I finish it - it will be nice and hitting that time and maybe eating a doughnut with this beloved Dunkin’ Donuts card would be the icing on the cake.

I’d probably take an artsy picture of said doughnut, blow it up on 20in x 30in stretched photo on canvas, real artsy, to remember how sweet this victory tasted.

Maybe even spray some high gloss on top. To make it shineeee…

Ohhhh yeahhh!!!



BS - I burn 35K calories per week. I’m basically living an ultra lifestyle. I’m not sure how else to say this.

So that gives my body the capacity, the realistic potential. Without this, the stress would be too much for the body.

My body can handle it, provided I don’t overuse certain muscles and tendons and also that I give rest to certain parts of the body when needed.

Nutrition/hydration = everything for me.

If I am short on water or electrolytes, I’m f’ed.

I do not have the build of that guy. You misunderstood my use of my upper body strength and endurance.

I can use the blood flow of my upper body to heal/recover my lower body or vice versa for hours and hours through HIIT Dynamic Rest. This is no small feat.

With proper nutrition/workouts, I could literally revive my legs on each aid station.

move to the side a lil bit so you can get a clear picture

… picture me rollin’


its hard to imagine…

… picture me rollin’

Also, BS - have you ever cycled 300 or 400 miles in a week or 500 in 10 days? It’s not natural. The exercises required to negate the bar are likely significantly harder than the more user-friendly running that is more instinct than adapting to a piece of equipment not designed for comfort.

I developed a nerve/neuro disorder on my second century in three days that week. I studied a version of this disorder in a 700 level class in neuroscience.

It was similar to phantom limbs, but almost the reverse. I mentally lost my hands one night, as if they were completely cut off. I bent a nerve in my wrist on both hands and my feeling was completely gone. Psychologically, I wondered if I would ever get regular movement/feeling back. Talk about a mind fuck. Also, I live alone. Consider that as well (psychological tenacity without support). Then breath by breath and sip by sip and nutrient by nutrient, through air squats and elbow planks on hardwood floors and fucking flutter kicks with the feeling like I am an amputee, I revived my hands.

I was trained a version of ‘ultra’ by Tier 2 assets and one Tier 1 asset by the DoD in SOCOM for a short amount of time that completely changed my life and sleep habits. Decades ago. Except we had a ruck and gear and shit. This aid station no ruck should be cake, no offense.

Dude even for the 70.3 this past weekend, I trained up till that morning at like 3am, slept for an hour (there’s like a small gap on my Facebook posts that period for proof including my Strava cycling ride), did a 70.3, was going to ride that night but had a flat somehow - on my assembled bike and rode the next day as soon as I got home and then went to MMA.

Business as usual.

Not ultra enough? That was like 12,000 calories in 2 days. Pretty much a 50mi equivalent effort, I think.

Unfortunately you’re still missing the points. All of them. I mean, I did a 48 hour race that had 120 miles of single track in just that event so I get it, you do endurance but you’re not understanding the specialization in ultra running.

Shouldn’t you be called “The Shark” since (some species) die if they don’t keep moving? Hummingbirds often land on feeders and take a break.

I was going to roll at noon today, but my stupid job is getting in the way. Maybe this evening instead if I can. Conditioning and strength is hugely helpful in BJJ, especially if the goal is to avoid tapping. I’ve found that early on when I got tapped was usually when I’d try to go for a sub/choke with poor technique, leave myself open and get subbed or RNC’d.

On the race, that one doesn’t look too bad: about 7500 feet of gain compared to about double that for something like the Cruel Jewel 50M that is also in Georgia. The main issue, as BS has said, is the monostructural nature of the event. With a tri you get to change modalities and that takes significant stress off of certain muscles, ligaments and joints. If you run a 10 minute mile, you’ll be running for over 8 hours. That is a lot of time on your feet. You can slow to a walk running ceases to be an option, but most people’s brisk walk at about 3 miles/hr which just lengthens the overall event time and increases risk of running out of food.

It looks like the “aid stations” are just water/endurance drink and a check point. If you are going to keep a 10 minute pace, you’re not going to want to spend too much time with dynamic rest there. It would need to be strictly scheduled to keep you on pace. There were only 6 people in the race last year, so competition is pretty thin. Weather will be a major factor. If you get rain, that will suck. Muddy trails are way slower and more dangerous (speaking from experience here), although with only six runners at least you won’t get jammed up on single track.

All BS is doing is casting doubt on my abilities of this race when I asked for some race experience; I’ve seen hardly any feedback and also will not accept the fact that my abilities are not good enough for this race.

As for the 10:07 time, I’m not sure again as I am racing with a friend. My role here is probably as a motivator and also will probably ring close to the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. My aid stations will be perfect and his probably will need work. I plan on sharing my aid station supplies with him as needed and hope to be there with him at the aid stations as this event is more about our friendship than a time for no particular reason at the high cost of of injury.

Again, though, I doubt 50mi will take a toll so great on my body that I need Monday to recover.

Tough race = I take Monday off.

We will see though. You have to understand the high belief in myself to make these obscene statements and the weight of the statements before the race.

Because as you know, in endurance races - you face your demons and truths and for me, every single word I have ever said or typed. I rehash th m in my mind, over and over again and analyze my psyche and the truths of it in these races. The races are not the pursuit of time. They are the pursuit of truth. Your truth; your personal truth. What you are willing to do for the important things in your life. More than anything this should ring true in these races.

I do not have naivety; I know what I’m getting into.

Yeah rolling is great. Very good for you.

Not sure why ‘pace’ keeps arising in this thread. I’m not seeking a certain pace except to complete this with my friend.

Beating that time and getting the DD card would be icing on the cake. My main priorities are finishing the race in the allotted time, not getting injured, and being there for my friend. What is the value of finishing alone? It is hard for me to imagine.