CFA level 1 Dec 2018 exam results

Passed! Da**n didn’t sleep well.

Congratulations, aahmed!

Congratulations, dasstienn!

S2000magician thank you for your help!

To all those who didn’t pass , it’s ok guys ! Just focus & analyze what went wrong this time ( your time management , specially the last 2 months , your plan , did you do all curriculum exos ? did you enough mocks ? did you do the online questions? did you make resume? )

and try harder the next time.

People think it’s a sprint , it’s not ! It’s a marathon! So go harder next time !

I pass!

Congrats to all who pass ! those lonely hours finally paid off !

I passed.

It was an interesting journey really.

I congratulate heartily all performers! You deserved additional piece of ice cream LOL =)))

I have been overwhelmed by my result today. Sure, I anticipated failure but it was painful especially. It seemed to be a score band 10.

Congratulations, navyvanvan!

Congratulations, brewer!

When I finished the test, I felt quite confident that I could passed, but when the results day was approaching more and more, my confidence was deteriorating.

Gladly, I passed! Just above 90th percentile :grin:

Congratulations, snfuenza!

My first attempt, didnt pass, did well in Ethics , Economics and FRA and bummed quant. the rest i was below the line… this feeling sucks but i need to do more practice exams


Im taking level 1 exam in June. Did you practice all the questions and exercises from Schweser only? Did you practice with CFA book as well?

Congrats to all that passed. Now the real fun begins!

congrats to all those who passed. At the office here we have some folks that weren’t able to clear it this time around but it’s not the end of the world. If it was easy everyone would be a charter holder…remember that.

Thank you S2000Magician!

Congrats to those who passed and those that will pass in the future.

Please, what will be your tactical strategy advise to those of us writing the L1 this June? I am currently still only half way through book1 of the schweser. I feel like I have enough time until someone says s/he’s done with book1 and 2. This sent chills down my spine.

Any advice will be appreciated

Hi, I am taking the L1 exams too this June. Many people advise, including Schweser themselves, that a combination of the 2 books is helpful. I understand that, but my problem really is time.

How are you managing your time? Any ideas?

Guys how do i know which band am i?