Charlottesville white nationalists rally

Lee was a racist. Knock that motherfucking statue down

You dont know anything about gen. lee at all, do you?

Reneged on his fathers promise to free his plantation slaves and sold them back to slave traders while fighting for the confederate.

Knock that statue down and take a good piss on it. Lesse how the white nationalists like dem apples.

For the greater good, the white nationalist isn’t good for society because it would lead to violence and probably another civil war. Minorities have come a long way from a terrible history, they are not going to leave this country because of some Alt Right movement.

lock her up

If I was from the American South, I would struggle to keep the statue of the General. If for anything else, then the f*ckin’ liberals and leftists do not impose their version of “truth” to me.

BTW, How do you know that? You met him.

He fought for the pro slaverists. That alone means his statue should be converted to a public urinal. If for nothing just to piss of white snowflakes who want to rewrite history and him as some patriot.

Burn it down, burn them all.

This is shameful. I thought Americans took pride in shutting down the whole bigoted nazi movement in WW 2. A whole generation fought against this idiology and many people died defending the values Americans are proud of.

Now this son of a bitc@ Richard spencer crying out loud that it’s rough on white people in Sillicon valley and tech sector is against the white young folks. I believe this guy should be prosecuted for inciting killing and for domestic terror. End of story. #MAGA

If these monkeys Alt right come to Canada for their stupid agenda, I would make sure that I go to their rally with tons of eggs and tomatoes to smash on their heads. Well, I can also throw shoes from the crowd. Venom spitting folks!!’

Not sure if this unfortunate incident is good or bad for Dodge Charger sales given their typical buyer demographic.

Your rhetoric just goes with my argument that the only real “fascists” are in fact liberals and leftists around the Globe that impose on each of their versions of history and truth. The same is the left-wing rhetoric in my country.

Roflmao! These rightist are funny folk, their bros are wearing confederate flags, lighting torches, coming to rallies chanting jews wont replace us and mowing down innocent folk in cold blood and they will swear leftists are a bigger problem for rightfully shitting on their ancestors. They will ignore documented truth and cry like whiny bitches cause everyone knows their ancestors were twats

Burn all their statues and if they want to defend them knock em out

Who with me? We ride at dawn

Yep. Modern, Tolerant and Peaceful Leftist. LMAO! So far, even more people in history around the Globe have been murdered by leftists than rightist. Pol Pot would be proud of your point.

did you just compare western liberals to pol pot to make a point? LOL, son you just went KKKrazy

Liberals are same everywhere and your statements above just proved what I meant. If you are so tolerant, leave other side alone with their statues and beliefs.

Speech by Mitch Landrieu, mayor of New Orleans, upon the removal of Confederate monuments a few months ago.

This idiot spencer who is behind this movement ones said that he wants all coloured people out of this country and he suggested to buy them out.

Isnt this similar to killing of Jews back in the day. So let’s see if an immigrant don’t want to leave USA, what would this guy propose to do? Kill them?

Watch his interviews!! You would be surprised!!

Did anyone mention Hillary’s emails this weekend? I feel like this isn’t being talked about enough.

never so tolerant to tolerate boyos celbrating racist wankers. never so open minded our brains will fall out.

chat shit, get fucked, simples.

fk those cunts, rip down the statues from gen lee to that apartheid supporting wanker cecil rhodes and fk that mass murdering racist winston churchill.

what you gonna do, what you gonna do when we coming for you

@ Belinda

Your mindset and power of reasoning are impressive. Just so describes a typical liberal. LMAO!

Over and Out