Charlottesville white nationalists rally

yeah you best run kidda, we don’t tolerate your kind anymore

You, Me? Who are We? Do you deal with yourself in the plural? :confused:

The first man in the middle is Croat. Peter Cvjetanovic. He has nothing against black people. He is just against Commies.

Go home and never come back. Shame on you!

So, getting back to the point, before this thread was hijacked by idiots…

+1 to this (that is, until it became violent)

Also, +1 to the ACLU for defending the free speech of the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.

Whatever happened to “I don’t agree with what you say but support your right to say it”?

These white supremacists are legitimate clowns, not worthy of anyone’s time. The dick torches are a dead giveaway!

Of course they should be able to demonstrate just like NAMBLA and those freaks who demonstrate military funerals about gay issues, but no one thought there would be this many people this day and age walking in a Southern town with torches (tiki torches/ what a joke) to support “white pride” or whatever. It’s just sad, and there’s clearly no comparison to this and a rally to support free public education.

exactly. These people deserve zero attention. This all a game to get an emotional response and everyone is playing right into it.


yep they should be allowed to march, and they should be protected by the government. they should be allowed to march to garner support for their ideas. it is their right as americans.

is white pride racist? how about black pride? asian pride? or even specifics, german pride? filipino pride?

i always found it amusing that black pride is not racist while white pride is. see personally i dont think filipino pride or asian pride is racist, but neither do i think white pride is racist. but im pretty sure the people who celebrate white pride are prolly racists lol. and that makes me feel a bit judgmental.

in terms of nationalism, why do you guys think nationalism is bad? is it so bad to be connected under a uniform culture? i personally think its more efficient. people who come here need to assimilate to the american culture since it is clearly superior. ty.

Nerdy - i dont think black or asian pride generally considers themselves to be superior to others and suggest getting rid of other people. There would be no issue with white pride if it were people just like “hey my ancestors came from norway/spain/italy/etc isnt that cool!?!” (and i would imagine most people fall into this category) Sadly plenty of them tend to skew towards wanting to shave their head, tattoo swastikas and be complete tools. It also makes a lot more sense to have a _____ Pride if you are not the dominant race in that culture. Would be like having a Japanese Pride movement in Japan, its just kind of odd.

My .02 on the issue, plenty of people I know are proud of their irish/italian/british heritage and even the ones who have a tattoo or something arent crazy or causing problems. White pride people would be more successful if they actually matched for issues they had as opposed to just being white. March for bringing back coal jobs or whatever, do something with a purpose.

Betta watch your mouth kidda

Pick up a book brah, history is choc a block full of examples why nationalism is bad and american culture is shit, thats why people dont wanna assimilate. White pride = rape of the entire world setting in motion this chain of events we see. Black pride had em chilling in angola smoking hashish before whitey stole em.

I too think they should be allowed to celebrate their culture. Let’s just ignore that that culture thought hanging slaves was cool. And owning slaves was cool. And that they literally took up arms to keep the “right” to own other people as property. And Jim Crow laws. And “Separate but Equal” schools. And segregation. And fighting tooth and nail against civil rights. It’s just a flag! Those damn libruls and imgrunts need to stop being so darn sensitive

Get woke ya’ll. It was all staged by George Soros.


Go home.

Belinda aren’t you Indian? I thought your people were a lot worse with the caste system and shit lol. And wasn’t Ghandi big on marches?

Also to garner support for mass violence you need a just cause. Whether it’s religion, economic, or cultural. Of course nationalism will be one of the rally points for violence but it doesn’t necessarily make it evil. Kind of like jihad Islam or Catholic crusades. The religion is not inherently bad, it is used to justify violent action.

My people? Lol. Nah, my people are the maharajas and the ones that wrote the kamasutra. I know them personally

Yeah, caste system was shit. Another version of slavery. Punishable by death now. Ghandi was big on marches not nationalism. He fought for india and pakistan to remain united and ironically was murdered by a Hindu nationalist for advocating that

Nationalism is terrible homie, nothing good ever came of it. We all the same.

Here’s a message from an incarnated Pleiadian (not kidding, dude was an alien):


Delivering the message of where we’re headed. It’s a choice we have to make individually. Let go of division.

“Made additional remarks on Charlottesville and realize once again that the #Fake News Media will never be satisfied…truly bad people!” - President Trump

Fake news needs to give it up!

Your knowledge on Indian history is limited brah.