Coffee intake?

Yeah, I’ve often wondered who came up with that rule of thumb. It’s hard to imagine drinking 3 gallons a day, and I drink a lot of water.

The stuff I’ve read (aka probably just as suspect) says anywhere from half to exactly your body weight in ounces is a good range to be in.

Coffee… usually have at least one large iced coffee to start the day. Then I might add another in the mid afternoon depending on what I’m doing although I don’t really tolerate it all that well and generally question why I went back for more. Caffeine is a weird drug. I probably should look into quitting but it’s really my only “vice” at this point so whatever.

I drink too much coffee. Always order my venti Starbucks with an extra shot. Meh. I’ll put in the column of things I can improve upon

as well as the temperament…

I just think that it tastes wretched.

So, sort of a not-my-thing thing.

which religions dont drink coffee?

Mormons, for example.

oh dam didnt know. excuse my ignorance



I’m not sure that he misspelled it.

I should have just went with “you can’t spell ignorance without igor”.

Glass houses.

It really wasn’t meant to be an insult, I was just making a terrible joke based on his name. In the future just ignore me.


I avoid these overcharging oligopolists. Wait… is it a monopolistic competition? Or mix of both? indecision

I hope you like tea :slight_smile:

This will change your life guys…

Take a break from coffee for about 2-3 weeks to give your adrenal glands a rest. Once you do, notice what time you wake up naturally. If it’s between 6-8 am then you’re on optimal corcadian/cortisol cycles. If you want to drink coffee, drink it when your cortisol levels dip. Between 930 and 1130 or 130 to 330. You’ll have sustained energy throughout the day and also sleep better.

If you find that your sleep patterns are sub-optimal, there is this nasty concoction that can reset it. Check it out:

I’ve tried it, made my gf do it and many others. They all feel better

I love all sorts of tea.

My favorites are Earl Grey, Lapsang Souchong, Oolong, and Gunpowder.

I used to do 2 cups a day, morning and afternoon. Recently I swapped out the afternoon and switched to a tea. At first it was terrible but after a while I really started enjoying tea! II stopped using sugar & cream in my coffee as well (splash of skim milk) and after a while you get used to it.