Coronavirus will destroy the economy

Please. Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself. This conversation has already killed enough of my brain cells for one day. Good chat.

willful ignorance is sad but all too common. keep bowing to your master’s will without questioning or any critical thinking. it will serve you and your children well. just kidding, it will turn you into a slave automaton. we will receive what we believe we deserve and i honor your decision to remain a slave.

i mean during ww1. nobovody even talekd about the spanish flu. killed like 50m worldwide. now 500k die and everybody gotta close up shop. this is media sensationalism at its finest worldwide.

Ehhh. Weren’t they still doing lobotomies in 1919? The data suggests that locking everything down played a significant role in reducing the spread. Not saying there would have been 50m deaths, but you have to believe it would have been much worse. On the plus side, that data can act as a control for the US experiment that’s about to unfold if Trump gets his way.

I mean during WW1 you’d be dead, and nobody would even talk about it…

well cases are rising again and near peak cases for the entire us granted we have are doing more testing now. i think we are basically at the same level similar to when they first shut down the economy. california blowing up though but i dont think people care. we have been consitently rising since we actually flattened the curve with our early shutdown. but we rose from 4k to 7k per day, in just the past week. anyways id be surprised if they shut down the economy again. but imma get some kbbq b4 they do!

Double counting positives and not pulling recoveries off the count is what’s causing the “second wave”. It’s a fake, not real.

i am pretty sure the rise in cases is caused by 3 things.

  1. more testing
  2. states opening up
  3. libtard protests

the best way to count isnt cases though since its not comparative. earlier on there wasnt enough testing. deaths is a better way to count it imo. if deaths spike then we can conclusively say 2 and 3.

Deaths is biased extremely conservatively. They throw everything into it even without a positive test result. It’s a complete fake unless you’re already dying of something else.

but you do realize. you are basically saying that even if th eevidence is against you its because its fake. ur narrative is too retarded. no cap.
also you have to understnad that the number of deaths in the us went from 100 to 4k per day and declined to 500 per day. even if the incosistency of counting is present itd be present since inception. so it is comparable. should tthe deaths tick up it is definitive evidence of a second wave unless you are saying that people are now countining with even more inconsistency. though imo nothing has changed. i nfact id argue people are less pancicky about covid now and are thinking more with their head.

It’s demonstrably fake based on how they admit they are counting everything. It’s like everyone forgot how to independently analyze the most basic information. Sad.

Do you guys know people that are struggling financially? Apparently 30 percent have missed their housing payments. Yet real estate prices remain strong. This market is ■■■■■■■ broken. I would think that people would honor their obligations given the amount of stimulus being thrown around.

No supply, lowest rates and sharpest increase in the money supply in history, savings rate skyrocketing, high demand from investors waiting impatiently on the sideline. All adds up to higher home prices my friend.

And I have to believe that 30% includes bank approved mortgage deferrals. It’s actually not a bad option to free up cash flow and pay down higher interest debt for 6 months.

True the 100 bps drop in rates really have pushed prices. Affordability for a 3.75 rate at a 3k monthly payment is at 650k purchase price. At a 2.75 rate at a 740k price. It’s definitely a smart time to refinance since payments remain the same. I just doubt it’s a good time to purchase. I think the majority of that 30 percent delinquent are people who are legitly in trouble. The stimulus imo is just delaying the inevitable and masking the weakness. I imagine a lot of the people laid off are moving back to mommy and daddy so I’m thinking a demand issue! Also I feel like a lot of these boomers are going to a retirement home soon. Lastly I hope the higher prices push housing starts as well, I don’t know how else you can spur construction. The builder must have awesome margins by the point.

Housing rarely “crashes”. It just so happens to have happened recently so it probably feels more likely to happen than it actually is. Also, the housing market is very fragmented so it’s hard to paint it with a broad brush. All this is to say, if you’re looking to buy a house I wouldn’t try to time the market and hope for a crash. It likely isn’t going to happen… unless of course you are looking in NYC or high col areas in California for instance. Those may see some pressure from structural changes like increased wfh/more movement to the suburbs and the updates to the tax code.

I wouldn’t say that 2006 was pretty recently. That was 14 years ago. Real estate cycles are around 17 years!

It was at the epicenter of the recession before last… that is pretty recent when taking into account the full history of the housing market. When you say the housing cycle lasts 17 years on average, what metrics are you using to define the cycle?

Price. Land value. Construction activity. Check this out.

So are you and Mrs. Nerdyblop scouting out your new hacienda already, mijo??? And when are you two kids gonna get hitched??? :man_in_tuxedo: :bride_with_veil: :family_man_woman_girl_boy:

Nah just renting at some place. I’m waiting for a crash. If prices fall I buy. If they don’t, I leave this god forsaken state the minute I am laid off. March 26 is the wedding date. I moved it a year when I think corona should have a vaccine ready and available for Americans. I got approved to buy a 500k home. But im not going to spend that much to live in the ghetto parts of California.