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I don’t know the science behind it because iv’e never bothered to read it but the internship was with a really big Indian generic manufacturer who were tying up some stuff related to generic hair loss drugs.

Anyway you hear things and a lot of the people there were talking about the fact that the company that has the patent on it in the west was getting hit by all sorts of law suits. Anyway if you use a drug that is suppressing your testosterone and you use it for a long time span you’re playing with fire.

^ Finasteride actually raises testosterone levels. I take it, and I’m happy with it so far.

The most important hormone in men. Testosterone is considered the quintessential male hormone . Is it responsible to give men the their gender characteristics , responsible for sexual and erectile function . Moreover, the growth of muscle tissue would be impossible without it. Contrary to what many people believe , testosterone is not related to aggression : prone to be aggressive men with low testosterone levels of cortisol ( stress hormone) and this is because cortisol lowers testosterone levels. Testosterone and love Scientific research , dating back to mid-2000 , show that men fall in love with testosterone levels ( 1). This may be a natural defense mechanism that " aid" to the formation of stable couples and procreation.

No ones doubting the results. If you’re using it i am sure you’ve done more research but this is what a 2 sec search on the internet turned up.

People involved in the manufacture of this drug were openly talking about it. I would be careful as you have far better options out there. Everyone was talking about a company called Histogen that was going to change everything plus stem cell treatments are only a matter of time now.

Former AF poster Black Swan is Exhibit A.