FBI Is Reviewing New Evidence in Hillary Clinton's Email Server Case

Dunno who that is, but whenever people try to compare me to people it fails…because there is nobody like me. cool

This is a controversial/offensive statement, but I’m going to write it anyway. People who read and believe fake news stories should not have the right to vote in an election. It’s ironic to hear some of these same people lash out at MSM’s biased coverage, and then go on to read blatantly partisan websites which sometimes post false information.

Basically what you’re saying are idiots shouldn’t be able to vote. That’s like 90% of the voting population.

Besides, it’s not easy to tell what’s fake and what’s not these days. Fox News, Brian Williams, MSNBC, and every other major news outlet have reported untrue stories. If people don’t recognize those as false or misleading, should they lose the right to vote? That would be pretty much everyone.


Right, that’s why democracy doesn’t work, especially in a time of falling IQs and attention spans, and increasing misinformation sophistication.

Good thing we live in a republic.



^I just saw that on Reddit. No source material yet though. If this is legit, everyone goes to prison.


I heard they were ready to act a few days ago but they got a “stand down” order.


^ Turd, I’ve got a bridge to sell you if you’re interested. Totally legit, I promise.

I like all the American flag colors and the news ticker going along the bottom. That clearly proves it’s a legitimate news source.

This new laptop found with hundreds of thousands of emails is BS. They just don’t want to give credit to Kim Dotcom for pointing out the nsa spy cloud on twitter

I don’t have the time to watch these, but these videos and articles at first glance look a lot like the 9/11 inside job videos my kayak friends are always talking about.


Here’s an example of America, the weak and lawless…

Let me explain in small words and short sentences; Americans think a rebuke, criticizing with some stern language, matters. “Oh I am feeling some decreased confidence in you bla bla”. How much impact does this have on John Stumpf, or James Comey, or any of the Subprime guys? Zero. Wake up call: they don’t care. Maybe you finally get around to firing them months or years later. Who cares. These guys calculate risk/reward, and the crime makes sense. Shaming only has power when the people have shame, which Americans do not.

You need hard known laws, death penalty, life of hard labor in a dungeon, handed out swiftly and consistently. Nothing less will control this sort of mega-crime behavior (stealing billions, moving elections, etc).

“I do not have confidence in him any longer,” said the New York Democrat, who has criticized as “appalling” Comey’s decision to send a letter to lawmakers 11 days before the election disclosing the bureau’s new review of e-mails potentially pertinent to the investigation of Clinton’s private server. “To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this,” Schumer said in an interview.


I have one question for you TF… “will you accept the results of the election?”

Wasn’t Turd the guy trolling for topless pics just a few months ago? Now this about face? The ol “if I act really outraged no one will ever suspect me!” routine?


Hm indeed.

Only 7 days before Hillary is elected. Comey should update his resume.