Female tattoos

A full face tattoo is quite different than a sleeve or a tattoo that could be covered in professional attire. Full face tattoo, gauged ears, weird massive eyebrow / septum / cheek piercings all give me a bad impression. It pretty much tells me this person is trying very hard to look “counter culture.”

Eh ok. Charisma isn’t necessarily a positive thing, but whatever floats your boat in terms of definition.

Actually that’s the oxford definition:

  1. 1.1 An unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences. as modifier ‘geopolitical black swan events, such as the Arab Spring and the Japanese earthquake, have further complicated the market dynamics’ More example sentences
  2. 1.2archaic Something extremely rare. ‘husbands without faults, if such black swans there be’


Anyhoozle, to your point, you meet a lot of buy side analysts raised on 500 acre farms, public school ranked bottom 2.5% of their state?

Things I remember from my education (not even exaggerating): 1) When all the students had to go pull 10 weeds before getting on the bus home 2) HS English teacher doing finger pushups on his desk and bragging about his prior life as a bouncer 3) Said teacher pushing kids into lockers while yelling at them 4) Kids driving tractors to school 5) The time the VP speared a kid. 6) Listening to football players sound out words while we took turns each reading a page out loud from Hamlet and Brave New World for most of my Senior English class.

^^ Yeah, she would be a total beast without the glasses and tats.

Yeah, but I’d say the glasses and tats are definitely additive in my book. If her and her non tattooed lasik twin are in front of me at a party and in some dream world I have a fair shot at either, it’s tattoo girl no contest. I realize thats a completely superficial judgment but just my opinion.

lol, look at this crackhead. Way too many hard drugs for n her system.

Probably already ODed on marijuana RIP.

She’s probably in jail for robbing people to support her addiction.

Finally figured out she has “Family” written on her wrist. I thought it said “Jam jug” at first.

ITT: We learn that BS subscribes to Suicide Girls.

La Familia, probably a gang tat. RIP in peace

Thank you, I was going nuts trying to figure out what that said.

Listen, I have the hardcover photo book not a website subscription, sheesh. #TrueStory

That’s the art, haha.

^ You got INK BS?

Says “one love” the other way.


Nah, I still have dreams of a sleeve but I’ve always been so indecisive. I was such a morbid kid, I’m glad I didn’t go with my initial plans when I was 18. By the time I got into my mid 20’s my hair was going so I decided to sit tight and see where the chips all settled out, haha. I was into music and art when I was younger and I guess I still have that residual admiration for the cool kids.

That’s actually pretty cool, didn’t notice that.

Maybe most wanted by the Nazis. Like in Schindlers List.

all day

Well, I’ll be darned!!!